Investigation Alien Season 1 Review – The truth is out there

Season 1



Episode Guide

Why Are They Here?
The Brazil Connection
Alien Waters
The Counter Report
The Phoenix Lights
Alien Identity

The truth is out there, and as Investigation Alien immediately alludes to, it’s not a matter of if aliens are here, it’s a matter of what they want. Are they hostile? Friendly? Or simply playing tricks on humanity?

Split across 6 episodes, the show doesn’t look at whether aliens are real, but instead comes at this from an angle that little green men are definitely with us, gathering various bits and pieces of evidence to try and work out exactly what they want. And the driver for this doc? George Knapp.

For those unaware, George Knapp is an American journalist, news anchor and radio host. A lot of his work has focused on the paranormal, particularly UFOs, so it’s great to see him given a platform like Netflix to work on. Of course, like any modern journalist, there’s already a slant and bias to what’s being shown, immediately diving into every case with a “yep, that’s aliens!” attitude. And hey, it’s certainly entertaining but those looking for more of an objective think piece won’t find that here.

George isn’t alone though and his companion joining him for this journey is Vee, America’s first Black female combat pilot. The pair do sometimes go off in different directions for their investigations, and there’s a neat structure to the show, which plays with both serialized and episodic content. We get some parts spill over to other episodes (like a crash site recovery from Iowa) while most of the episodes rely heavily on eyewitness accounts, archival video footage and questioning government classified documents and meetings behind closed doors.

The 6 episodes do tackle some familiar ground. Unsolved Mysteries looked at cattle mutilations and Investigation Alien does the same thing in episode 1. So if you watched that episode like I did, you’re likely to skim some of that. We do have another episode that looks at the jellyfish UFOs and how aliens could be living underwater, and we even get – one of my personal favourites – the time travelling aliens theory.

The idea of aliens actually being humans from the future, jumping back to “sightsee” past events, is absolutely fascinating and definitely something that I wish was explored in more detail rather than relegated to the final episode.

With all that being said, Alien Investigation is an entertaining and interesting documentary. Sure, it’s biased and immediately joins the dots to everything being extra-terrestrials rather than looking at alternate theories, but it’s no less enjoyable to watch.

There’s definitely some good evidence in here and a lot of thought provoking points, but I kinda wish we’d have more of a Mulder and Scully vibe; team up Knapp with a sceptic and lets have a proper debate here! Whether we’ll ever know for certain whether aliens are with us is anyone’s guess, but in the meantime, this is definitely worth a watch if you fancy a dive into the unknown.

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  • Verdict - 7/10

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