Hit Monkey Season 2 Ending Explained – Does Monkey join the Assassin’s co-op?

History Lessons

A lot goes down in Hit Monkey Season 2, with Haruka’s death weighing heavily on Monkey’s conscience. Meanwhile, Bryce continues to try and have a relationship with his daughter while knowing his days are numbered with the devil.

The penultimate episode switches things as we approach the final fight. The team decide they’re going to blow up Boone and the Assassin’s Cooperative using a makeshift bomb. Unfortunately, Boone is out of control and spreading his influence (quite literally with vines) throughout New York.

Bryce, Monkey and the others hit back while New York is overrun. The bomb does manage to go off at the end of episode 9, with Boone turned into a crispy mess. Is he really dead though?

How does episode 10 begin?

Episode 10 of Hit-Monkey season 2 then picks up with us in New York, overrun thanks to the Co-Op. With vines hugging skyscrapers and greenery across the roads, The Handler and the rest of the ragtag group show up. Bryce and Monkey are picked up and they race away from Boone, who has now mutated into a horrific monster. With less than 8 minutes left for Bryce too, things don’t look good.

While a chase ensues, Iris has an idea to use “Buddy’s Body Burner” to get the upper-hand. The van tips on the road when Bryce gets the jump on them though, and they spill over to the side. Buddy is in a rough way inside the van, wedged to the side by a barrel.

While the rest of the gang try to defeat Boone, Iris uses the Body Burner to begin liquefying the leader. It melts away part of its skin, revealing glowing yellow relics. It would seem that this is the source of his power. Monkey notices this too and jumps on his back alongside Bryce, desperate to pull the relics free.

What happens when the relics are pulled out?

When they pull it free, Boone teleports Bryce and Monkey back to feudal Japan. Given the flashbacks to this period, and the drama including Haruka throughout this season, it’s a nice way of paying homage to this.

It’s only a brief moment that we’re here though as we continue to jump through to different time periods with every relic removed. Boone has seen all the different periods through history and the suffering humanity inflict on one another… and monkeys. When he brings Monkey to an animal testing lab, Monkey’s true morals are put to the test.

Inside a cage happens to be Monkey’s real mother and father, cowering and afraid. Little Monkey was freed by a kind scientist who tried to take him to safety. Unfortunately, she was ambushed on the road.

This links into the periods in season 1, where the other Monkeys took him in as part of their tribe. Boone has seen Monkey’s soul and as he sees all of this play out, he knows Monkey won’t kill him. Good thing Bryce will then. And with that, the final relic is removed and Boone is defeated.

What is Akiko’s swan-song?

Back in present day New York, The Handler uses a shotgun to make absolutely sure Boone is definitely dead. With the Co-Op gone, Bryce speaks to Monkey plainly and apologizes, knowing that he and Boone had a connection. As for Bryce, the countdown timer reaches less than 3 minutes. He speaks to Iris and promises he’ll always be watching over her.

While they talk, Akiko shows up in a truck but despite Bryce’s best intentions, doesn’t do enough to save everyone. Akiko races toward Monkey, demanding he fight back. Monkey refuses, but Akiko is livid and antagonizes him, deciding to kill Iris instead. Approaching her while she’s by the car, Bryce takes a bullet for his daughter in human form, protecting Iris from Akiko as best he can.

How does Hit-Monkey season 2 end?

Monkey remembers Bryce’s final words about family and jumps on Akiko. Instead of shooting her though, he wraps his arms around her. The pair fall off the bridge together and Monkey collapses into the depths of the water.

It’s a moment of self-sacrifice, as both Akiko and Monkey die in the depths. As for Bryce, his countdown reaches zero… and he turns human again. The Devil shows up and taunts him, pointing out that Bryce’s punishment is basically to remain on Earth given this is his hell. In return, his best friend (Monkey) is traded in his place.

While Bryce and Iris head back and try to rekindle their lost life, The Handler returns to her operation. Monkey is honoured as one of their own, with his picture up on the wall. In the end, he actually finds a proper home and family for himself, embraced by those around him as a hero.

Bryce, having given up hope of Monkey being around, is given a nice surprise when Monkey appears as a ghost on the other side of the road. Monkey is stoic, as it seems like the roles are now reversed.

The Episode Review

Hit Monkey’s second season has been a great watch and the ending finally gives a redemptive arc to Monkey, who has been conflicted over what path to take in life and who to trust. Boone obviously tried to show the worst in humanity to persuade Monkey but ironically, in all these time periods we actually see pockets of humanity at its most vulnerable and raw too.

While humans in general can be selfish and self-serving, individuals can shine as honourable, courageous or just doing the right thing. That kind scientist is one such example, who did what she could to save Monkey from a horrific fate.

In the end, Monkey sacrificing himself is quite fitting for his character. He’s spent his time assassinating others and at the end, he does continue this mission but does so for a higher purpose. Monkey protecting his family by jumping off the bridge is a nice way of rounding out his character, given his moral compass has been skewed through most of the show.


Read More: Hit-Monkey Season 2 Review

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