Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial Season 1 Review

Season 1



Episode Guide

Origin of Evil
The Third Reich Rises
Hitler In Power
The Road to Ruin
Crimes Against Humanity
The Reckoning


The six-part Netflix docuseries – Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial attempts to educate the present generation about the consequences of Hitler’s ideology and, more specifically, the horrors of the Holocaust.

The show is directed by Joe Berlinger who is known for other true crime shows on Netflix like Conversations with a Killer and Confronting A Serial Killer as well as the film – Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.

The docuseries revisits the Nuremberg trials where representatives of several countries (now known as The United Nations) came together to hold Nazi Germany accountable for plotting and carrying out invasions of other countries across Europe and the atrocities against their citizens during World War II.

The show also features eyewitness testimony of American journalist and War Correspondent – William L. Shirer who reported on the war from Berlin in real time. Throughout the 6 episodes, we see the rise and eventual fall of Nazi Germany under the dictatorship of Hitler.

We also see how the people around Hitler were highly influenced by his propaganda as they took part in his anti-Semitic campaign. The show aims to inform the youth of the present generation about the atrocities of a dictator like Hitler. However, with limited war footage, the show tends to become a bit monotonous.

We see still-frame after still-frame with voiceovers making this seem like another YouTube deep-dive. The show lacks the thrill that other true crime/serial killer documentaries from Berlinger have. However, considering the topic at hand, the makers of the show have tried their best to be as enlightening as they could. 

Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial is an informative show that is an honest attempt at drawing attention towards the Holocaust, an event that changed the world. However, in doing so, the show tries to draw comparisons between the future of the world to the genocide that took place many years ago.

The documentary presents itself as a warning sign; an essential watch that educates the viewers on the holocaust – an event and Hitler – a dictator that took the lives of approximately six million people.

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  • Verdict - 7.5/10

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