The Danish Dilemma
In the final episode of Grimsburg season 1, Marvin is distracted by the mystery of his missing Danish pastry. Although there are no new murders to solve, Marvin has focused all his energies on finding his breakfast delicacy. He has taken the whole station to task and no one is happy about it. Meanwhile, Stan has found a new friend in Todd, the leader of The Stable Boys at his school. He has been invited to Todd’s house for a sleepover but Mr. Flesh is wary.
Marvin gets a clue in the wrapper of the pastry that leads him to a meeting with Captain Stamos in a shady parking lot. Stamos believes that the clue means a conspiracy at a pizza parlour in the city. Together, they try to decode the mystery by visiting Pat’s Pizza shop…and Stamos seems to be right. Upon saying the code word, the duo discover three bodies in the staff room. And Flute’s Danish drip is all over their bodies.
Stamos believes someone at the station is involved. Internal Affairs is about to visit for a detailed investigation and Flute is advised to keep a low profile. But before they can solve the case, the person trying to frame Marvin gets to him first. They remove all the evidence, leading IA to believe that Flute is mentally unstable.
Flute faces his worst nightmare at the facility as all the psychos he has put away are now his prison mates! While talking to someone he didn’t put away, Marvin is alerted to what has been hiding in plain sight in front of him. Stamos owns all the outlets involved in this saga, indicating that she is the culprit. The inmate helps create a distraction by starting a food fight in the mess to allow Flute to escape through the library. It opens up straight into Pento’s office at school.
All the personnel from the station are present in the room. Martinez led the investigation to find out that Stamos was the murderer. Wynona remarks that Stamos is at the casino demolition. If people blow up at the event, she will profit in millions through her funeral businesses.
Stan’s visit doesn’t turn out to be very fruitful. He had gone in hoping to be mesmerized by Todd’s perfect parents and life. But the reality is starkly different. The parents have involved themselves in a “throuple” with their counsellor as Todd is left to fend for himself. Stan introduces a tense Todd to Mr. Flesh. Since his parents do not care anymore, Todd needs an outlet to keep him afloat.
However, Flesh doesn’t turn out to be a positive influence, influencing Todd to vandalize school property. Stan tries to stand up to him but the deed is already done. Stan abandons Flesh and sidebars with Flute to make his next move. He is confused about his priorities in life but doesn’t get too much help from his father. Flesh makes a reappearance in Stan’s life, urging him to take him back.
The officers get to the casino just in time to evacuate the premises. Flute and Summers reach the rooftop where Stamos is about to escape in her helicopter. In a twist, she declares that since she owns Grimsburg Cybernetics, she can control Summers. Upon her instruction, Summers prepares to kill Flute. However, as he opens up about how his friendship has changed his view of Summers, the cyborg has a change of heart and captures Stamos instead.
Season 1 ends with Martinez being promoted to Stamos’ position, Flute and Harmony getting back together to Stan’s amazement, and Flute getting his Detective’s badge again.
The Episode Review
It is a pity that the season’s best episode is its last. A lot of arcs culminate in a heartening conclusion in the finale, including Flute and Summers’ friendship. The latter’s character really rose to the occasion in the past few episodes to become an integral part of the makers’ storytelling. Stamos was always a shady character and it is fitting that her evil plan lands her in jail.
The second half of Grimsburg has been quite good, which raises expectations for the next season, which is already in the works. We hope you have enjoyed our episodic coverage of Season 1. See you soon!
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