Steel Rising 2
If you have played Steel Rising, the latest game from developer Spiders, the French studio that previously brought us such titles as Bound By Flame, The Technomancer, and Greedfall, you might be interested in a sequel to this steampunk adventure.
But will there be a Steel Rising 2? Or is it game over for this potential franchise? Here’s what we know at the time of writing.
What is Steel Rising about?
Steel Rising is a Soulslike game set in 1789 Paris at the time of the French Revolution.
But despite the historical setting, this isn’t a factually accurate game. Louis XVI has an army of mechanical monstrosities on his side (our teachers didn’t mention these in our history lessons) and up against these machines is Aegis, an automaton with a mind of her own. According to the game’s version of events, Aegis is a bodyguard to Marie Antoinette and is tasked by the Queen to stop the King and his robot army from taking over the French capital.
As Aegis, players must confront and take down the robots that are roaming the Paris streets and change the course of history.
Does she succeed? Well, that depends on you and your gaming abilities as this isn’t the easiest game to complete due to the challenging combat encounters that you will experience in your playthrough.
Will there be a Steel Rising 2?
At the time of writing, a sequel to Steel Rising has not been announced.
However, developer Spiders is not averse to creating follow-ups to their games. In 2016, they released The Technomancer, a sequel to Mars: War Logs, and the company has announced a sequel to Greedfall that has an expected launch window of 2024.
As such, a sequel to Steel Rising could happen one day. But for now, we don’t have confirmation of its development.
What could happen in Steel Rising 2?
At the end of the first game, Aegis stopped the massacres that were being caused by the King and his mechanical army. During the conclusion, we learned more about Aegis and the reason for her creation.
We aren’t going to reveal the game’s ending but if there is a sequel, it can be assumed that Aegis won’t be the central character. You can find out the reason for this here but if you want to avoid spoilers, we recommend that you complete the game yourself to know why Aegis is unlikely to be the sequel’s protagonist.
If Aegis doesn’t return for the sequel, another automaton will likely take her place. This robot may be called upon to take down another army of machines by the new ruler of Paris. Alternatively, the robot could be part of the army but if it develops a mind of its own, it could rebel against its leader and start another revolution.
This is just speculation but if we do hear news of a second game, we will update this page with the relevant information.
When could Steel Rising 2 be released?
A sequel to Steel Rising is unlikely to be released before 2025 as the team at Spiders is currently hard at work on Greedfall 2.
If it is put into development, we may see it in 2025 but a release date of 2026 may be likely as this will give the developers more time to work on the game.
Is there a trailer for Steel Rising 2?
As the game isn’t in development yet, the answer is, of course, no! But if you haven’t played Steel Rising and you would like to know more about the game, check out the trailer for that title below.
Did you enjoy Steel Rising? Would you be interested in a sequel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
I love steelrising. I was so impressed that I went and got all of their previous work. Their games are a nice relief in this modern gaming wasteland
Gotta say, a sequel with character creation could be incredibly awesome!