Furies (2024) – Season 1 Episode 7 Recap & Review

Where are the knives?

Episode 7 of Furies begins with the police van tipped over and all the officers dead, killed in a flurry of gunfire. Our captive Furies are still alive, alongside Keita and Elie, but they’re not going down without a fight.

Led by Keita, they show up at a nearby cafe out in the woods and use that as a refuge to try and escape from the attack. She hands over a note to the owner and encourages him to go the police station and tell them whats happening, which is about 30 miles away. I mean, surely he has a phone right? Anyway, enough of that. The guy rides off on his bike.

Keita checks out the place and tries to secure this large area, while Driss attempts to grab a fork to fight his way out. Lyna stops him though and he drops the weapon. Unfortunately, the radio that’s inside isn’t much good as Keita is played by Parques’ men and women, who show up and intend to clear house.

Selma, Driss and Lyna are kept downstairs in handcuffs, but it’s clearly the wrong move, given Parques has about a dozen or so men to fight against Elie and Keita. Driss encourages Lyna to work with him to free themselves from this predicament, which works rather well when he pulls her toward him and frees her from the flimsy pipe she’s handcuffed too.

Unfortunately, the gunfight upstairs begins while the pair in the basement struggle to revive Selma, who’s knocked out. Lyna manages to unlock the handcuffs, while Keita is quickly shot up top. Driss though manages to free himself from the handcuffs, helped by Selma when she wakes back up, and he holds Parques’ men at gunpoint – including Orso who shows up inside.

However, it doesn’t take long for all of the armed guards to be mowed down in a flurry of bullets out in the open, all at the hands of this Damocles character. With all of Parques’ men killed, gunshots rain down inside the building.

Selma is wise to what’s happening though, given the sniper fire trained on them, and she fires off a fire extinguisher to give them cover, enough for them to hide out for the time being.

Selma explains to the others while they’re hiding that these guys are international mercenaries and the worst of them is Damocles, whom Olympus have called in to finish the job. Lyna does manage to sneak downstairs though, and she stuffs a pistol inside a stuffed toy’s mouth, hanging on the wall.

With all the gang together, Lyna and Selma talk on the rooftop. The former almost gets her head blown off by the sniper, but they find their prize. They manage to uncover something they can use a bomb coming in the form of a gas canister.

Orso admits that there are five men outside and all of them have night-vision goggles, tactical gear and a myriad of other trinkets that will make their job of holding out (and surviving) that much tougher.

A real spanner is thrown in the works when the cafe owner shows back up again. He’s strapped up with a bomb and hurries inside, apologizing profusely and admitting that he’s just trying to protect his family.

The bomb explodes, everything goes up in flames, and both Orso and Elie find themselves in the line of fire. With a choice to make, Lyna jumps on Orso and protects him while Elie gets a bullet in his chest.

The tactic assault goes ahead and gunfire rains down. However, the group do manage to get somewhat of an edge, throwing the canister in the doorway and firing on it, letting it explode the canister on impact.

However, one man is still here and he works his way inside. Orso is shot numerous times while Lyna runs away. This man is out of bullets with his minigun so he uses his pistol but walks very slowly and refuses to fire immediately because… deus ex machina of course! The guy continues forward and walks right into a trap and is impaled through the stomach.

Keita is still alive too, and she holds a gun up at Lyna’s face when she shows in the aftermath of the gunfight. Before Keita can kill Lyna, chalking it up to resisting arrest, Elie shoots her in the head.

When Lyna comes face to face with Selma, she holds a gun up to her face and accuses her of killing her own mum, something that Driss told her earlier in the episode before high-tailing it away.

Selma looks Lyna dead in the eye and admits she should have killed her but didn’t. It turns out Kahina was an undercover cop for years but she didn’t pull the trigger. It was Driss. He tracked down Kahina’s family and killed them all.

The Episode Review

So now we’re getting to crunch time and everything is gearing up for a very exciting finale to follow. This whole episode was just one massive gunfight and it actually works in the show’s favour.

However, there is some annoying deus ex machina at the end, especially as that armed soldier could have easily shot Lyna outright rather than stalking her and walking slowly toward her; that’s a bit annoying.

We now have a good deal of answers and the ending does hint that we’ve got more drama on the horizon, especially as this final fight with Driss looks set to hit fever pitch. Quite who comes out of this in one piece is anyone’s guess but we’ll have to wait and see!

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