Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Season 1 Episode 14 Recap & Review

Privilege of the Young

Episode 14 of Frieren: Beyond’s Journey’s End begins with Fern and Stark arguing over Stark not getting Fern a gift for her birthday. Stark storms out of the room, enticing Sein to ask Frieren for intel about their dilemma. Frieren and Sein encourage Fern to reconcile with Stark. Fern notices Stark in the plaza but hesitates to interact with him. She finds Sein looking at objects at a nearby shop. They discuss the process of gift-giving with each other for a bit.

Sein suggests that Fern apologize to Stark and pick out a gift with him. Fern approaches Stark and he apologizes to Fern for his actions. Stark tells Fern he wanted to explore the town and pick out a gift for her but wasn’t sure if it was the right decision. Fern apologizes to Stark and the two decide to traverse town to look for a gift. Meanwhile, Sein catches Frieren spying on the two from a rooftop. The two discuss the relationship for a bit before Frieren informs Sein about her life with Heiter. 

Sein’s surprised by Frieren’s comments since he viewed Heiter differently. Frieren recalls the time she spent with Heiter when he was an elderly fellow and Fern was a child. Heiter tells Frieren he doesn’t believe he’s matured in the slightest. He is only pretending to be an adult until he can make it as an ideal grown-up. Heiter argues the Goddess will praise him for pretending until he perishes and will receive his reward once he reaches heaven. 

Frieren promises to praise Heiter while he’s still around. Heiter promises to put in a good word for Frieren when he reaches Heaven and meets the Goddess. After spending time in town,  we cut to our heroes traveling again via a merchant’s wagon. Frieren notices Fern has a new bracelet that matches one Himmel gave to her in the past. Before Frieren can find it, the wagon gets attacked by an Avian monster. Frieren hatches a plan to get them out of their situation. 

After ensuring everyone’s safety, our heroes help the merchant rebuild his wagon. Stark and Sein discuss Fern’s bracelet and Stark says it was tough picking out a proper gift for Fern. When Sein tells Stark the meaning behind the bracelet, Stark apologizes to Fern for not knowing. The two bicker for a bit and continue helping Frieren rebuild the merchant’s wagon. After helping the merchant with his wagon, Fern spots Frieren searching for Himmel’s gift to her. 

Frieren says she doesn’t mind if they can’t find it. Then, the two approach the merchant. He gives Frieren a spell for finding lost accessories. After learning the spell, Frieren heads into the sky to find it. She recalls the moment when she and Himmel were searching for gifts in a shop. Frieren chooses a ring to Himmel’s surprise. As they depart, Himmel puts the ring on Frieren’s finger. In the present, Frieren clutches the ring to her chest and asks Fern why Stark got her a lotus bracelet. 

The episode closes with Fern calling Stark an idiot and Stark getting upset about it. 

The Episode Review

After successfully recruiting Sein to the party, many fans questioned what he’d add to the team outside of his medicinal prowess. On top of being a competent priest, it appears Sein’s establishing a compelling fatherly/brotherly dynamic with our heroes. From his casual gift-themed chatter with Fern to his amusing discussion with Stark, Sein’s shaping up to be an interesting character to follow. Hopefully, the series will continue to tap into his potential.

Additionally, this chapter was littered with many segments that’ll make fans feel warm inside. Although many would’ve preferred following Stark and Fern locating a gift in real-time, the comical and heartfelt scenarios we receive between the two will captivate audiences, keeping them glued to the screen. 

Moreover, this chapter reminds viewers how incredible Himmel and Heiter were as companions before they perished. From Heiter’s stance on maturity to Himmel’s romantic acts, you’ll wish they hadn’t met their inevitable ends so soon. Overall, this was a fantastic chapter and one that will have fans wishing we’d receive a spin-off dedicated to Frieren’s adventures with Eisen, Himmel, and Heiter. 

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You can read our Season 1 Review of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End here!


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