Franklin is an upcoming miniseries that tells the story of Benjamin Franklin, who happens to be one of the United States’ Founding Fathers. Based on Stacy Schiff’s book, ‘A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America’, the show zooms in on the eight years Franklin spent in France, persuading the country to support America’s democracy.
If you’ve been tracking this show, there’s a chance that you’re curious to find out when the first episodes are dropping Well, we’ve all the answers right here!
Franklin Season 1 Release Date
Franklin Season 1 premieres on Monday 12th April. The episodes will premiere at 9am (PT)/ 12am (ET)/ 6am (BST)/ 7am (CST).
Where Can I Watch Franklin Season 1?
Franklin season 1 will air every Friday on Apple TV. You can also catch new episodes on Pure Flix, Hoopla, and VIX. The episodes are anticipated to be around 45 minutes long, which aligns with the typical length of Apple TV shows.
How Many Episodes Will Franklin Season 1 Have?
The first season of Franklin is set to have 8 episodes, with 3 releasing on the premiere day. After that, it will follow a traditional one-episode-per-week schedule.
Is There A Trailer For Franklin Season 1?
There is, indeed! You can watch the trailer for Franklin Season 1 below:
What do you hope to see as the series progresses? Are you excited to watch this AppleTV Original? Let us know in the comments below!