Jen v. Nora: Ultimate Showdown
In Episode 6 of Extraordinary Season 2, the showdown we have all been waiting for materializes on Alfie’s birthday. Jen’s sole focus is to win Jizz’s loyalty in this long drawn-out contest. She is having a tough time baking almond macarons. However, since Clark is on hand and he is gay, he helps Jen out.
Kash and Clark’s “relationship” is in its nascent stages. And that is making Carrie uncomfortable. Wonder what the reaction would be if the roles were reversed…this modern gender war is so heavily skewed, that it is unreal.
Kash is actually having a hard time wrapping his head around it. It is a natural reaction for someone who believed he was a heterosexual all his life. He confesses to Clark that he needs time in order to fully realize them as a couple. Kash is still coming to terms with his sexual orientation. Clarke has the sweetest reaction and agrees to “fly under the radar” for a bit. However, all that promise is drained out as they head downstairs to discover a gay-themed party that Carrie is throwing them.
She is overcompensating for what she said earlier to Kash but has no idea what he is going through. Kash has a mini-heart attack when Carrie reveals that she has invited his Vigilante group friends to celebrate. He hasn’t come out to them yet and just moments ago confessed that he is feeling uncomfortable with all the changes. The trio quickly try to adjust and tone down the theme of the decorations. To cover up the awkwardness, Kash reveals that he invited the group over because he is writing another musical…and all of them will be starring in it.
Although it is clear that he is saying it as a ruse, there is a hint in Kash’s reactions that suggests he is serious. Meanwhile, at Nora’s house, the party gathers momentum. It is still mostly defined by the centrepiece rivalry. But Jizz’s moments with Alfie and his growing realizations about his absence from the latter’s life start to concern him. Jen and Nora leave no chance to embarrass the other. On a few occasions, Nora’s tongue slips as she mixes what’s on her mind and how she is really feeling.
Jen seems to be winning this battle. She wants to take a big leap forward by having sex with him for the first time. Jen asks the magician performing for the kids to teleport them to a different place. However, Nora overhears this and strings together an evil plan to humiliate Jen. Just as they are about to do the deed, Nora has the magician teleport them back into the room. She is greatly embarrassed and Nora piles on the humiliation.
Jizz is finally ready to make a decision. He will choose between Jen and Nora. He warns the former beforehand that Alfie is playing a major role in whom he chooses. To make sure he makes the best decision, he turns back into a cat. And when he finally returns to human form, he chooses Nora. Jen walks away distorted and heartbroken. Instead of going back, she goes to the clinic where she has another session with George.
Carrie is worried about how Kash’s friends will react. In order to distract them, she connives with duplicate Clark to announce that they are in a relationship. However, by the time she does, Kash has already told his friends about his orientation…and they have also made a lousy jingle out of it. However, Carrie finally speaks her heart. She finds it strange that they aren’t together and yet, Kash is an integral part of her life. He is everywhere around her throughout the day.
Above and beyond everything else, Kash’s growing closeness with Clark is what bothers her. Carrie feels that because of how quickly Kash has gotten over her, she didn’t mean anything to him in the first place.
Jizz notices hair dye in the bathroom, which leads him to a stunning conclusion. He openly admits to not being attracted to Nora, having feelings only for Jen. This prompts Chris to speak out about what happened when Jizz’s memory went sideways. He actually caught Chris and Nora in bed, which is what triggered his shapeshifting powers.
Nora dyes Alfie’s hair to hide that he is in fact Chris’ son! Chris strips his pants in front of everyone to show that he really is a ginger. This causes Nora to have a huge meltdown that brings out her true self. She ridicules her friends and the other guests, diving into the cake with her bare hands. Her perfect, prissy lie of a life is brought down in a matter of minutes.
Jen drinks with George and acts on her secret crush. She is shocked to find Jizz back at the house and confesses her treacherous act.
The Episode Review
No, no, no, the writers have got it all wrong. They have chosen the only route that could have made Carrie’s arc and character go backwards. After all the great work, they have stripped Carrie of her wits, innocence, and purity.
Although jealousy and insecurity are very human emotions easily accessible by anyone in the right moment, her confessions at the gay-themed party are a betrayal. Just imagine if the roles were actually reversed and Kash would have been the one saying those things to Carrie and her partner…what would the outlook have been then? The buck would have instantly turned against him and he would have been at fault for not being mature or secure enough.
The showdown lives up to its hype. That part of the story is still going strongly and Jen’s betrayal adds spice to what’s coming next. But we have to ask ourselves: is Jizz mature enough to understand the repercussions of this?
Will he be having a human reaction or will his animal instincts take over? The next few episodes are temptingly set for an anticipated outcome. I have a feeling it will all go right, but with Extraordinary, you never know.
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