Eternal Strands Guide: “Companion Quest: Where There’s Smoke” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Where There’s Smoke

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Feller’s Arch

The Officer’s Gate

Oria’s Father Is…


After completing A Burning Curiosity, Oria’s next side quest will become available after a bit of time has passed. These Companion quests are a nice way of gaining extra dialogue options, Codex Entries and exploring parts of the world you may not have seen otherwise.

First up, go and speak to Oria by her desk in base camp. She will task you with obtaining research on obrum within the Enclave. There are three different areas we need to travel to.

Feller’s Arch

First up, head to Feller’s Arch in Glintwood Hollow. If you follow the higher path to the left, you’ll find a wooden door you can smash through. Just on the wall next to it, you’ll also find a very easy Codex Entry to gain.

After smashing the wooden panels, head on through and light the brazier on the left. Take the elevator down and you’ll find the information on the right here:

If you haven’t been here before you’ll also find a Codex Entry to the left, and a new Design, Opportunist’s Highgreaves on the side.

The Collapsed Mine

While you’re in the same area, head over to the Collapsed Mine area and you’ll find the information just next to a broken caravan. This will add a new Codex Entry, A Vendor Roster.

The Officer’s Gate

Finally, the last bit of information is found in the Officer’s Gate area in the Bastion. Use the Loomgate to teleport in and from here, head all the way up the guard-tower at the Officer’s Gate. At the very top, you’l find the Regiment Records on the desk.

With all of this done, return to Laen and choose Obrum in the Enclave as a Codex Entry.

Oria’s Father Is…

Next, we’ll have 3 locations to go and explore to try and figure out which of the statues correlates to Oria’s father. But thankfully, we’re here to cut out all the guesswork. Head to the Market in Lower Dynevron. Specifically, this location in the corner:

With the Silver Glasses obtained, head back to camp and go speak to Oria. This will also bring the mission to an end.

<< A Burning Curiosity

Blaze of Glory >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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