Eternal Strands Guide: “Weathering The Storm” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Weathering The Storm

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Hunt for Norian Documents

Norian Weather Controller

Mount Sev’s Creation


After fighting off the Surgeborn Herald and seeing Isla’s sacrifice, we’ll now be onto our next set of missions, preparing for the final fight with the Surgeborn.

Three missions will have unlocked after you’re back in base camp, and if you’re not in the camp now, be sure to teleport there and speak to Sev. This will unlock a new entry, Sev’s Research.

Hunt for Norian Documents

In order to progress forward, we need to complete this mission before In Memories. Our first port of call is the Ramanos Canal in The Institute. This should be quite easy to find because it’s located right next to the Ramanos Canal Loomgate.

When you teleport in, take an immediate right and inside the doorway, you’ll find some rocks to break. Go ahead and do this now then grab the Fragment.

Exit out this door and circle around to the right instead to find the next document:

The second is on the opposite side of the room, over the broken bridge. You’ll need to destroy the ice around it to break it free though.

From this location, head up the stairs and toward the door with a purple lamp outside. There are a fair few of these in this area but if you switch to Weaver’s Grasp, you can actually target that door and rip it off its hinges.

If you’re unable to do this, there is a route round the outside, so simply walk around the rock face on the right hand side, then slip in the gap and take your first left. 

While you’re in here, you’ll also find the Nameless Host Wristguards Design on the higher platform above this. There’s also a Codex Entry on the table in this room too.

With all of this done, go back to camp and speak to Laen. After compiling the Codex Entry, speak to Dahm next.

Afterwards, go and talk to Sev and select Weathering The Storm. He will give you a new Design to craft, the Norian Weather Controller.

Norian Weather Controller

However, in order to complete this, you’ll need to raise your Frost Resonance, Kinetic Resonance and Flame Resonance to the maximum level.

What this means is that we need to defeat Arkons several times, Harvesting their strands each time in order to upgrade our powers to Level 3. It doesn’t matter which ones you do, but once you’ve gathered the Strands you need, go and speak to Dahm. You also need to make sure that his Magic Station is upgraded to Level 3 with Casmyn at her caravan too.

With all of this completed, go and speak to Sola to craft this contraption. Also be sure to use 1 star Forged resources for this too!

Once you’ve crafted the Norian Weather Controller, you’ll automatically unlock the trophy, It’s a Dry Heat.

Mount Sev’s Creation

With the Weather contraption complete, teleport over to Dynevron Market in Lower Dynevron. the Norian Weather Controller needs to be placed high up on the shrine.

You’ll find the shrine at the far end of the market. Climb to the top and press triangle to mount the Controller. When that’s done, head back to camp and speak to Sev. He’s not in his usual spot but instead, behind Casmyn.

After cycling through the dialogue, you’ll now have unlocked the Weather controller. This will let you switch what weather type it is in different areas. This is quite useful, especially if you want to speed up fights against Epic Bosses, or make life easier for you (ie. using Frost for Fire Arkons and Drought for Ice Arkons). It does require Camp Supplies to change though.

However, in doing this, it will also bring this mission to an end.

<< Aftermath

In Memories >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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