Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Unraveled
Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Arkon’s Hearth At Night |
The Schema Tome and the Otoliths |
After finishing both A Loose Thread and A Question Of Loyalty, we’ll now be onto our next mission, Unraveled.
You should be in Cassidan’s Hold to begin with if you’ve just finished the previous mission. If not, that’s okay because that’s not where we need to go. Instead, head back to Base Camp.
Arkon’s Hearth At Night
Go and speak to Arekim, who will instruct that you need to head to Arkon’s Hearth but to do so at night.
If you hadn’t guessed by now, Eternal Strands cycles through three different stages each day, those being Morning, Afternoon and Night. Sleeping at your bed or using the Warp in the middle of a map progresses time, while using Loomgates and the Travel points across the map do not.
It’s worth bearing this in mind because as soon as it hits night, head on over to Arkons’ Hearth. If it’s not the night, now’s a good time to complete any lingering Side Quests or collect some resources to level up your gear.
When you reach Arkon’s Hearth, we’ll have a fair few places we need to travel. These are all located across the map, and Isla (The Spindle) will chirp up from time to time to let us know where we need to go.
On the way through Arkon’s Hearth, you’ll also find another Loomgate to the far right, just beyond The Incandescent Arch here:
Our first port of call is the Resonant Fields, before descending to the lower-levels where we’ll find everything else.
Work your way north and smash open the container to find the Arkon Armor. If you’re struggling to open it, make the metal more brittle by freezing with Ice Wall first.
Once you’ve collected the Arkon Armor, you may be wondering where to go next. Well, head south to the Prodigious Expanse and climb down the rock wall to the lower level. Here, you’ll find a fair few Spitfire Nests to destroy and a little passage through to the lower expanse. First, head through the gap in the rocks to enter the next section.
When you do, you’ll discover the Pealing Maze section. As soon as you enter the nExt chamber with the ice wolves, take a left and you’ll be in the Arcane Foundry.
The Schema Tome and the Otoliths
Jump over the balcony to the lower level, then do a 180 and head through the passageway. You’ll find the Schema Tome on a table surrounded by Spitfires
Now, if you continue through your exploration, you’ll find a new Arkon here, Ark of the Forge. We’ll discuss how to beat this guy and Harvest its Strand in a separate guide, HERE. It’s definitely a good idea to Harvest this Ark’s Strand because the Molten Blast power is easily the strongest in the game.
You’ll find the two Otoliths on a higher platform just beyond the Ark in the Carpace Chamber here:
Finally, the Carpace is situated in the Emergence Gate area. When you arrive in this big, open area, take a left and you’ll find it inside a container. Break open the door and collect your prize.
With all of this collected, head back and speak to The Spindle in Cassidan’s Hold.
Once you’ve watched the cutscene, and exhausted the dialogue (choose whichever option when prompted for The Eye, it doesn’t make a difference to the story), it will bring the mission to an end.
<< A Question Of Loyalty |
Intertwined >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |