Eternal Strands Guide: “The Veil” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: The Veil

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)


Climb the Wall

Investigate the Cave

Defeat the Wild Creatures



Welcome to Eternal Strands, the latest Indie RPG from Yellow Brick Games. This vast, sprawling adventure places you in the role of Brynn, our latest heroine with a sword and a desire to save the world.

After a brief introduction, you’ll be in control of Brynn. Simply push forward to move deeper into the forest. Holding down L3 (left analog) will allow you to sprint, and here you’ll have the game’s first enemy. The Stamina bar.

Everything you do in Eternal Strands depends on your you use your stamina. Swinging your sword (with a hit of Square, hold down Square for a powerful attack), blocking (by holding R1) or using your Bow (switching by pressing Menu then O to choose the Bow then hold R1), right across to climbing and dodge-rolling use stamina.

If you deplete your bar, Brynn will pause and slowly walk, allowing her to be culpable to attacks and heavy damage.

Follow the path down and be sure to hit Triangle to observe the different spots along the way. One of the hazards in this world stems from Tangles. These are otherworldly auras that will damage you if you get too close.

Continue on and when prompted, slash the boxes with your sword. Here, you’ll find an array of Resources that happen to be the bread and button of this game.

Vitality Flasks are your HP replenishments (which can be triggered by pressing down on the D-pad) while everything else can be used to craft new weapons or salvaged at the camp. We’ll get to that shortly.

Weaver’s Grasp Tutorial

When you’re done, hop over the gap and now we’ll have our first power-up to get to grips with. Weaver’s Grasp.

A lot of Eternal Strand’s environments can be manipulated and changed using a variety of different skills and magic.

Using Weaver’s Grasp, you can grab items and bring them toward you and then push them out at different obstacles or even throw enemies around to deal damage. For now, approach the yellow flowers and hold down L2 to aim, then hold R2 to pluck them off their stems.

One at a time, fling them at the icicles on the wall to melt the ice and allow a path up to the next section.

Climb the Wall

As mentioned before, stamina will be depleted by climbing so make sure you’ve not been sprinting around before climbing otherwise you may slip down!

Simple plush forward at a wall to climb up. 

Investigate the Cave

Head forward to the waypoint by climbing the wall alongside you and shimmying over before dropping doiwn. Be careful of the Tangles here as stepping on them will do damage.

After a brief cutscene, we’ll now have a little combat section to handle. Approach the Acala and hit Square to attack. Circle will dodge while you can also hold R1 to Block. Again, do be aware that all of these will use Stamina.

You can also use Weaver’s Grasp here too, allowing you to fling debris at enemies or, if your stamina is depleted, pick up a single enemy and hold them in the air until your stamina returns.

Either way, defeat them and then approach the end of the cave.

Frost Strand Tutorial

After another cutscene, hold L1 to open up your Strand menu. By using your left analog stick, you can select a different skill to use in combat. AAs you progress through the gane, you’ll unlock a lot more of these, with varying skill levels allowing your Weaves to grow and evolve in interesting ways. For nwo, select Ice Wall.

With this chosen, hold L2 to aim and press R2 to make an ice bridge tio allow safe passage.

Defeat the Wild Creatures

On the other side, use your new skill to defeat the monsters. These annoying flying creatures will hurl fireballs at you… but there’s a neat skill you can use to stop them doing this. If you use your Ice Wall power on them, they’ll be stuck in place, allowing you free hits to take out. The same goes for the Acalas too. 

Eventually you’ll have defeated enoguh for another cutscene to ensue. After, continue down the path, collecting any resources along the way. If you hold L1 and the Circle, you can switch to using the Bow during combat.

Along the way you’;ll have more enemies so put all the tools you’ve learned thus far to good use along the path.

At the end, you’ll have a wall of fire to extinguish. You know the drill; use your Ice Wall powers to carve a way through

Go down the steps and you’ll trigger another cutscene surrounding something called an Ark. However, you’ll be interrupted by an Ashpeak Drake showing up. While you can  use your powers if you want, this is pretty much an unwinnable fight at this point so just let the Drake kill you to end this fight and trigger another cutscene

After a ;lengthy set of scenes, which include the opening title crawl, you’ll be given some text choices. Now, it’s worth noting here that in Eternal Strands, your dialogue does not impact the outcome of the story. 

There aren’t really any choices here to replay as a wiseass or just belittle all your companions, but you do get a choice between who to agree with and different reactions toward your group. For the most part though, these are inconsequential to the story itself. Once this is done, the prologue will come to an end.


Blazing A Trail >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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