Eternal Strands Walkthrough: The Tapestry
Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
The Tapestry |
Search the Village |
Warden’s Roost Watchtower |
The Mayor’s Residence |
The Tapestry
With the Loomgate now up and running, it’s time to crack on with the next mission. If you’re not already, firstly make sure you are in the Base Camp before proceeding. First, go and speak to Laen. If you select Codex Compiling, you’ll automatically unlock a new entry, and gain the trophy Bookwyrm too.
Once that’s done, choose The Tapestry. After cycling through the dialogue, leave the camp via the Loomgate and select Glintwood Hollow.
Eventually this Loomgate will allow for multiple different areas you can warp to quickly. Furthermore, individual areas can sometimes have multiple Loomgates, especially late on, which is helpful when you repeat different sections.
The more you explore and the more Codex Entries you collect, the more information on each area will be provided. This can be very useful when you need to track down certain Epic Monsters, or when you’re planning your next move based on the weather.
Speaking of the weather, Eternal Strands features four different weather types for you to contend with. The first is a straightforward clear, sunny day. The next is a Drought, which means any fire magic used here will light the world up like a Christmas tree and cause flames to rapidly spread. There are also more explosive flower buds (like the ones we saw in the Prologue) too.
Next, there’s Frost which does the opposite. The world is bathed in icicles and you’ll be slowed down considerably if you get caught within the Frost. Your stamina will also deplete a lot faster here if you get caught in colder areas.
Finally, the last Weather type is Miasma which acts as a special fog, including the phosphorescent clouds we saw in the Prologue. Getting caught inside these does big damage. For now, select Glintwood Hollow and press X to travel after choosing the gate at Feller’s Arch.
Make your way over to Dredger’s Mire. You’ll find the path in the Sodden Pass region, so be sure to use your mini-map to head to that area.
Keep going south and you’ll find a wooden door. Smash it with your sword and progress through to find the doorway. Just to the right of the door, you’ll also find Mundane Two Hander design.
When you arrive in this new area, the first thing you want to do is activate the Loomgate. To do this, simply progress forward, out the chasm, and up the hill in front of you. You’ll find the Loomgate there. Press triangle to unlock it.
Search the Village
Next, you want to head over to the frozen village, which you’ll notice at the bottom of the hill. If you’ve just teleported in, it’s directly in front of you. Be wary of the Ashpeak Drake flying overhead.
As you get close, your objective will change slightly and you’ll need to find a watchtower in the Warden’s Roost area.
Given the whole area is frozen, we can take a slight detour and head back to camp to understand how to withstand extreme temperatures. So lets do that now.
Companion Quest – Frost Bite
Go and speak to Sola, then Dahm, and then Laen. Each of these guys will give you different ways to withstand the cold. It will also complete the mission too.
Warden’s Roost Watchtower
Once this is done, return to Dredger’s Mire and head on over to the Warden’s Roost area.
The front door is bolted shut so its time to go Assassin’s Creed and climb up the tower. Once you reach the first balcony (which you can just about see in the picture above at the very top!), hop over the wooden barricade and up the winding stairs. There, you’ll find a new Design on the table, Flame Bow. In the doorway, pick up the Poldervale Watch Logbook.
Before heading to the Mayor’s Residence, be sure to climb up to the roof of the Watchtower for some bonus Chests, and another Codex Entry too.
To get down again it’s a good idea to Warp back to camp. Given we have an array of different ways to combat the cold, it’s highly recommended to either upgrade Laen’s Alchemy at the camp to gain Frost Resistance Vials, or using our new design to craft and equip the Flame Bow.
The Mayor’s Residence
Whatever you choose to do, whenever you’re ready to combat the cold, head back to Dredger’s Mire and right into the heart of the frozen village. You may get lucky with the weather too, and if it’s a Drought, you can use the exploding flower buds with Weaver’s Grasp to destroy the ice quite quickly.
You’ll find the Keyswatch outside the Mayor’s house here:
You’ll need to destroy the icicles first so once you’ve done that, grab the Keyswatch and head back to camp via the Loomgate. Or by dying. We’ll tackle the Ashpeak Drake in a separate guide, but given we need to kill a lot of these creatures later on in the game anyway, we’ll get to it when we get to it!
Once you warp back to camp, complete the dialogue and the mission will finish.
<< The Loomgates |
The Lost City >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |