Eternal Strands Guide: “Sabotage” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Sabotage

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Search for Survivors

Consult With Dahm

Recover more devices from defeating arks


Sabotage is one of the missions in Eternal Strands that we need to complete before progressing with The Lost City. Here, it requires us to go to The Steps, which is located to the north of Upper Dynevron and can be found just before the pathway leading over to The Bastion. 


Search for Survivors

Before we head anywhere else, it’s worth noting that Upper Dynevron (and a lot of the areas now to be fair) have big drops that can be fatal if you fall. There can be some pretty cheap deaths in this game but you can also use this to your advantage. 

With Weaver’s Grasp attached as your power, you can throw enemies off the edge to their doom. Sure, you won’t get their resources, but it does make life easier, especially this early in the game. 

Continue along the main path heading east, toward the large garden section, and when you find wide white steps leading up to the left, head there. Immediately take a right after climbing up the steps (pictured below), and you’ll find an easy Codex Entry by a doorway to the right. You’ll also find a strange Ark.

Approach the Ark and press triangle. In doing so, you’ll gain an Arkon Device.

Consult With Dahm

Head back to camp and speak to Dahm. Before you do, there will be a brief cutscene and we’ll then be able to upgrade our Camp Stations to the next level.

For now, speak to Dahm. He’ll tell you you need to check out the Damaged Ark for devices. This does not mean return to the Ark at The Great Steps though, but instead the one inside camp, just next to Dahm.

In doing so, you’ll gain 1x Arkom Device. Head back and speak to Dahm again, being sure to select Sabotage, when you do.

Recover more devices from defeating arks

In order to complete this next mission, we now need to defeat 3 more Arks to get 5 Arkom Devices in total. You have a choice of either the Living Flame Ark wandering around Upper Dynevron, or you can tackle the Stricken Earth Ark in the Glintwood area. Once you’ve defeated Arks, progressing time to the next day by sleeping at the camp or completing other missions and warping around does refresh the Epic Hunts so you’ll never run out of these bosses to fight.

Once you’ve done this, speak to Dahm again and this mission will be complete, automatically unlocking the next one – Proof of Conspiracy.

<< The Lost City

Proof of Conspiracy >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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