Eternal Strands Guide: “A Question Of Loyalty / A Need Of Assistance” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: A Question Of Loyalty

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Fragments at The Institute

Back to the Camp


After unlocking Cassidan’s Hold and completing Interdiction, the next two main quests will now become available.

You should be in Cassidan’s Hold to begin with. Interact with the wooden door just to the right of The Eye and then head back to base camp.

Go and speak to Oria, who will reveal that she’s worried about Sev. Next up, go and speak to Laen. She will mention how they need to find evidence and in order to do so, searching for information in The Spire within Upper Dynevron.

Remember that area we went to grab the details of the Proof of Conspiracy inside The Spire? Well, that’s where we need to go next. However, Sev will also pipe up here and a new mission will be available.

You’ll find the information inside the room, sitting on the desk with an open book. Go and do this now.


Fragments at The Institute

Whenever you’re ready, you’ll now need to find 4 separate fragments at The Institute. Before we do this though, lets take a small detour and complete the other main mission first.


A Need Of Assistance

Go and speak to Sev, who will task you with getting him a new design, coming in the form of a Glasstail Reinforced Conduit. This is pretty straightforward, hence why we’ve included it within this same guide.

You need to gather any set of forged material, although we’d recommend something that’s 1 star in value. Next, you need to kill a Brennig Glasstail. Again, it’s best to Harvest, and if you’re unsure how to do this, we have a guide for that on our main walkthrough page with boss guides HERE!

Once you’ve done this, return to Sola and craft the Glasstail Reinforced Conduit. Then, go and show it to Sev to complete this relatively simple task.

Fragments at The Institute (Again)

With all of this done, use the Loomgate and head over to The Institute. Now, if you continue heading all the way east, you’ll be able to find a Loomgate just to the right of the Dark Water Cistern.

It’s located here:

This will help speed things along as we’ll be heading back to this section a few times.

In fact, if you head through the caves toward this area, you’ll find the first fragment just south at the edge of this platform. If you hang over, you’ll find it here:

The second fragment is located on the ground floor, just opposite where the edge of the cliff is where several trees are sparsely dotted around.If you look opposite this section, you’ll find it by some pipes here:

The third is located west so if you follow the large path round (use the Wisp to get the right direction if need be) you’ll find it up on an elevated platform to your right. 

Finally, the last fragment can be located just before reaching the Condensing Chamber, on the far left by the doorway:

Back to the Camp

With the four fragments obtained, head on back to camp and speak to Laen. After completing this dialogue, turn round and speak to Sola next. She will instruct you to head over to Cassidan’s Hold so go and use the Loomgate and head there now.

Go and speak to Sev at the back, next to The Eye’s desk, and confront him over what he’s been up to.

When it’s done, you’ll not only complete this mission, but you’ll also gain the trophy, A Frayed Knot.

<< Interdiction

Unraveled >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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