Eternal Strands Guide: “Proof of Conspiracy” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Proof of Conspiracy

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Search Lucia’s Workshops

Workshop in Poldervale

Recover the Notes


After completing Sabotage in Eternal Strands, Proof of Conspiracy will automatically unlock. Here, we’ll need to search for records in Upper Dynevron for the owner of a Maker’s Sigil. So lets head off and do that now.

At The Spire, dispatch the enemies (again, using Weaver’s Grasp and flinging enemies off the rooftop works a charm) and then use your flame powers to clear a path inside the large hall, melting the icicles blocking the doorway.

Once you’ve done that, grab the first record from the table in front of you, here:

Next, climb up the stairs just to the right of this and defeat all enemies. Just before you break the next door open, look to the right of this and you’ll find another Codex Entry just by the stairs.

When you’re done, head on inside and grab the next two records. At the far end of the room (on the left), destroy the wooden door and head up the stairwell to reveal another room, which holds the fourth and final record inside.

On the opposite side of the room, you’ll also find the Kinetic Two Hander design as well.


Search Lucia’s Workshops

With all four records, we now need to go on the hunt for some workshops. You’ll find these at:

Weaver’s Rest in Lower Dynevron here:

Break open the wooden door and grab the record from the table opposite.


Workshop in Poldervale

Meanwhile, you’ll find the Workshop for Poldervale in Dredger’s Mire right in the heart of the Frozen Village. When you get there, destroy the ice outside, either with Drake’s Breath or by holding the nearby Braziers with Weaver’s Grasp right next to the ice.

Personally, it’s quicker and easier to use Drake’s Breath but of course the choice is yours. You may need to climb to get to the higher sections, so be sure to either use Armour with high Cold Resistance, or those Frost Resistance Vials before you climb up.

In doing this, it will clear all the ice in the village and allow you to explore much more effectively.


Recover the Notes

Without the ice around, it now becomes a case of heading toward the north end of the village, where you’ll find the notes just sitting on the side, here:

Grab the Waterlogged notes and then head back to camp.

Consult With Dahm

Go and speak to Dahm and select Proof Of Conspiracy. After the dialogue, we’ll learn about Lucia’s Thimble which will subsequently unlock a new design for Lucia’s Thimble. It will also complete this mission too.

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