Eternal Strands Guide: “Companion Quest: Privileged Information” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Privileged Information

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Search For Information


After completing A Study In Light, Laen’s next side quest will now become available. These Companion quests are a nice way of gaining extra dialogue options, Codex Entries and exploring parts of the world you may not have seen otherwise.

Search For Information

Regardless of where you’re currently situated, you need to head to three separate areas in order to obtain some information.

First up, is The Arkon’s Expanse in Dredger’s Mire. You’ll find the information nestled within the dormant Ark on the ground here:

Next is the Sapper’s Lake section in Dredger’s Mire. You’ll find this just south of the Loomgate here, inside the little village hut here:

With both of these gained, use the Loomgate nearby to teleport over to Lower Dynevron then head for the Three Sisters area.

You’ll need to ascend up the staircase here and you’ll find the information on the bench. Now, when we teleported in, it was extreme cold weather and it was inside a frozen icicle block. It may not be with other weather types, but if it is, then just burn this down.

With the information gained, head back to base camp and speak to Laen. Select Codex Compiling, and then Verdant Minds.

After this has been done, teleport in to Cassidan’s Hold and speak to The Eye. Finally, return to Laen once more, which will bring this mission to an end.

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