Eternal Strands Guide: “The Loomgates / A Touch of Levity” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: The Loomgates

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

The Loomgates Part 1

Companion Quest – Honing The Edge

A Touch Of Levity

The Loomgates Part 2


The Loomgates Part 1

Now that we’ve scouted out Glintwood Hollow, it’s time to get the Loomgate working again. However, before we can do that, we need to complete the Treading Water Companion Quest. You’ll find during your time with Eternal Strands that there’s a good deal of going back and forth with missions, with some Companion Quests (like this one) needing to be completed first in order to proceed with the game.

Some of these are quite simple, but others require a bit more work. Thankfully, this first is really easy so we’ll include it here.

Companion Quest – Treading Water

You’ll find Casmyn just outside, located on the right, opposite Oria’s location if you’re running toward the Loomgate. Talk to her and select Treading Water.

Casmyn can also be used to upgrade different parts of camp through salvaging resources. This is a pretty neat tool and it’s a good idea to use any of your low-level resources (typically those that are only 1 or 2 stars) to swap resources for Camp Supplies to upgrade your camp.

These upgrades are split into four categories and include levelling up the Forge, increasing the resource limit when saved by Oria, or increasing the number of Vitality Flasks you can take with you on adventures. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of heading to Casmyn from time to time to recycle your resources. 

For now, select Salvage Resources and pick out some low-level stuff to change into Camp Supplies. If you don’t have enough, exit back to Glintwood Hollow and destroy the trees and boxes near the entrance until you do.

Once you have 10 Camp Supplies, exit out.

After the dialogue, select Upgrade Station and upgrade Sola’s Forge to Level 2.

While we’re here, lets complete another super simple Companion Quest shall we?

Companion Quest – Honing The Edge

Speak to Sola and select Honing The Edge to begin this side quest. Next, select Reforge when prompted and you’ll be graced with another tutorial. 

Along with using resources to create weapons, Reforging allows you to hone in to specific parts of your weapon and swap out resources for rarer or stronger materials, which in turn will make you stronger. 

Once you’re done with this, speak to Sola and you’ll unlock a new Design: Sev’s Fantabulous Conduit Patch. This will be important for completing the next story quest, A Touch of Levity, which is a nice little detour, so lets do that now. 

In the Menu, you can switch out which Mission you’re currently tracking with a click of a button which is ideal here, given the number of missions this game has.


A Touch Of Levity

Lets get that Loomgate up and running shall we? Return to Feller’s Arch and use Weaver’s Grasp to get rid of the stones blocking the path.

Be sure to destroy any enemies that get near, or alternatively throw them off the edge of the hill to the ground, giving yourself extra time to work undisturbed – it’s your choice. Either way, once the Loomgate is up and running, we’ll be back in business and the mission will be completed.

The Loomgates Part 2

Before we head back, lets go and grab some important gear before continuing on with the mission. Head to the Collapsed Mine area in Glintwood Hollow, to find a new enemy waiting for us.

Boss Fight – Ark of the Stricken Earth

On the way back to the Collapsed Mine, you may find a slight difference with the Great Ark that was initially dormant. Turns out it’s not quite so docile anymore! Stricken Earth is the first (and easiest) of many large creatures you’ll face across the world of Eternal Strands. These guys act as boss fights and have very specific ways of being defeated.

There are two types of victories here, one coming from just straight-up killing the enemies and the other (which is a lot more valuable) stems from defeating enemies in specific ways to “Harvest” their core power. Thankfully Stricken Earth is the most straightforward to kill.

This slow, lumbering enemy does do significant damage if it catches you, but the chances are you’ll be able to out-manoeuvre it (even with the stamina bar issues).

The key to defeating Stricken Earth is to remove every piece of armour covering the Arkon. In the picture above, you’ll notice one of the many silver bolts holding these pieces in place. All you need to do is approach the enemies and hold onto their body parts, climbing around just like you would a vertical surface, and then pressing Square to hack away with your sword. If you’re doing 0 damage, be sure to switch to your sword by pressing L1 and Triangle, just in case you’re holding onto your bow! 

While you attack the enemy, each limb will eventually Harden and become impregnable to attacks. Here, you’ll need to change to a different limb to inflict bigger damage.

For Stricken Earth, the following bolts need to be removed: left ankle, right ankle, back, two on the front stomach region, and the shoulder. In relation to the shoulder, there’s one bolt on the back and one on the front of the armoured piece.

Whenever you climb onto the Ark, it will try to shake you off. When prompted, be sure to hold Triangle to make sure you cling on. However, this will also drain stamina too. When your stamina is depleted you’ll drop back to the ground again.

On top of trying to shake you, this Arkon will also try to grab you. It can sometimes be a good evasive manoeuvre to press X and jump up to a higher area if you can, and if timed right, you’ll avoid the Arkon grabbing you, and doing damage by squeezing and throwing you on the ground. 

The Arkon also has basic stamp and knee-drop attacks, but both of these have very obvious wind-ups so it should be easy to dodge. If you end up fighting from a distance, do be mindful that Stricken Earth will throw debris at you. However, if you’re gunning for all the trophies, now’s a good time to get the “Fore!” Trophy too, which includes catching a projectile. Simply attach Weaver’s Grasp, wait for Stricken Earth to throw something at you and use your Kinetic energy to catch it and throw it back.

For the first encounter, you don’t have to Harvest the creature, as depleting its HP will suffice for this one.

When it’s downed, you’ll gain a new Codex Entry and the Ensnaring Blast Strand, allowing for a new move to be added to your arsenal. This Codex entry will be filed under Great Foes and will include details on exactly how to Harvest this creature. For now, collect up the valuable resources around the area, and nearby in this fight arena, you’ll also find a new Design too, Opportunist’s Mask.


With all of this done, return to camp and speak to Sola. Go ahead and craft Sev’s Fantabulous Conduit Patch. We can now do this given we’ve gained 1x Carapace from defeating the Arkon. Be sure to use a 1 Star Forged resource for crafting too.

Once it’s done, head over and speak to Dahm to unlock a new Power using the Strand we just unlocked, Ensnaring Blast. It’s worth noting that every time you unlock a new Strand, or gain the same Strand from defeating enemies, these can be used to upgrade powers and make them more powerful. You’ll also unlock a new Epic Hunt Quest here too, Ark of the Stricken Earth.

Next, speak to Oria. Then, go and rest at your Tent to allow time to pass. After the cutscene and some more chatter, the mission will come to an end.

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