Eternal Strands Guide: “Lifting The Shroud” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Lifting The Shroud

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

The Fiery Ark

After completing Infestation and battling the Surgeborn Herald, Laen’s next side quest will become available at Base Camp. These Companion quests are a nice way of gaining extra dialogue options, Codex Entries and exploring parts of the world you may not have seen otherwise.

The Fiery Ark

After speaking to Laen, she will recommend speaking to Axle at Cassidan’s Hold. Once you’ve done that, she will give you your next task.

You need to defeat a fiery ark in the Arkon’s Hearth while under the effect of a flameshould phial.

Although on paper this looks like a bit of a pain in the ass, it’s actually pretty easy to do. You need to defeat either the Ark of the Forge or the Ark of the Living Flame, and you need them to show up in the Arkon’s Hearth area.

If neither are here at the time, simply go to your bed and sleep, or teleport around and do other side quests until this does happen.

If you choose to Harvest either of these, a good idea is to get their weak point to show up. Then, climb onto the Ark and just before Harvesting, press the left or right directional button and chug a Flameshround Phial. Then, while under the effect of the potion, you can Harvest and defeat the Ark without too many problems.

Once you’ve done this, go and speak to Axle in Cassidan’s Hold and it’ll complete the mission.

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