Eternal Strands Guide: “Companion Quest: A Burning Curiosity” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: A Burning Curiosity

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Statues In Upper Dynevron

Statues in The Bastion

After unlocking Cassidan’s Hold, Oria’s side quest will now become available. These Companion quests are a nice way of gaining extra dialogue options, Codex Entries and exploring parts of the world you may not have seen otherwise.

You should be in the Base Camp for this, so if you’re not, teleport there now. 

First up, go and speak to Oria. She wants to try and find her father’s identity, so in order to do that, we need to head over and check out some statues in Upper Dynevron.

Statues In Upper Dynevron

The first Statue can be found in Upper Dynevron in The Verdant Gardens. Head over there now and press triangle to approach:

The next you’ll find inside the broken botanical garden area, Atrium of Champions, nearby where The Steps are on your mini-map. It’s this statue:

Statues in The Bastion

With both of these interacted with, you’ll have the choice of heading to Lower Dynevron or The Bastion to find an intact statue. Head on over to The Bastion. Given this is the nearest one and it’s also the right option too.

Hop over the bridge and immediately head left (just before going under the gate and reaching the Yard), where you’ll find the statue here:

Press Triangle to interact with it and then head back to camp again. Go and speak to Arekim. He will give you a design for a pattern tracer we’ll need to make at the Forge.

Go ahead and craft that now and if you do need specific resources, you can either search the world for these or use the Trade option with Casmyn’s caravan in exchange for Camp Supplies.

In order to make the pattern tracer, we need 16x Serenite, 10x Oil Membrane and 2x Abrium.

Once you’ve created it, go and speak to the Axle in Cassidan’s Hold. This will bring the mission to an end.

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