Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Asylum
Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
Path To The Garrison |
Scout the Bastion |
Collect Asylum Codex Fragments |
Asylum is one of the missions in Eternal Strands that we need to complete before progressing with The Lost City. Here, it requires us to go to The Bastion, which is located to the north of Upper Dynevron and can be found just beyond The Steps.
Press Triangle to approach the doorway and you’ll travel into this section.
Path To The Garrison
The path in The Bastion is quite linear and our goal here is The Garrison, on the other side of the map. So be sure to explore and head there now.
Along the way you’ll find an easy Codex Entry, located on the battlements after heading over the cliff-face. it’s just at the end of the path by the rack of weapons to your left.
Now, if you’ve gone in and destroyed the Ashpeak Drake earlier in the game, you’ll have new Weave powers to work with. If not, well now’s the time to do that. We’ll tackle defeating the dragon in a separate guide, but once you’ve collected the Power and had Dahm Weave it into your arsenal, use Drake’s Breath to unlock a special Codex Entry at the top of the battlements to the right of where you found the Codex Entry. If you climb to the top (before the Brazier you need to light), you’ll find a large Icicle here. Burn it and collect the Codex Entry (Battlements pictured below)
Now, when you arrive at the large bridge, use Drake’s Breath to light the Brazier here:
This will ignite a path across to the other side, which we need for both the Supply Run and the Asylum missions.
When you reach the other side, climb up the steps and you’ll have a new objective:
Scout the Bastion
When you reach the upper parts of the Bastion, beyond The Yard and located to the north of the map, you’ll find a wooden door you can smash and a Codex Entry inside.
Be sure to grab this and then light the Brazier to activate the elevator.
Take the elevator down, destroy the enemies (the flammable lamps come in handy here mixed with Weaver’s Grasp!) and then light the next Brazier on the other side of this underground chamber.
This will open up the gate and allow you to grab the Asylum Keyswatch. You’ll also find a couple of chests in here, along with a new Design, Pathbreaker Wraps, sitting on the table.
Inside the Commander’s Vault, outside this room, you’ll also find another Codex Entry by the wall on the left.
Collect Asylum Codex Fragments
Head back up to ground level and head into the adjacent house to the one we just entered. You’ll find the War Room papers just past the first courtyard and sitting on the table.
Destroy the wooden door just off to the right and kill all the soldiers inside. Be sure to use the lanterns on the wall to make swift work of them and speed things along.
Next, approach the Brazier and ignite it to find a route down to the depths of the Garrison Bunker. Down here, you’ll find a Loomgate you can access directly opposite where you are. You’ll need to use Weaver’s Grasp on this though to clear the wreckage before activating.
Defeat the enemies and activate the Loomgate before heading over to the adjacent shelves where you’ll find some Research Notes From A Military Enchanter.
Visit The Unknown Keyswatch Destination
Head back to camp and approach the Loomgate. Next, choose The Arkons’ Hearth. When you arrive, approach the Mysterious Panel, and select Triangle to interact with it.
There’s not much else we can do here until we complete all other tasks for The Lost City, so for now, return to the Loomgate, then go to camp and speak to Laen.
Once you do, select Codex Compiling and then Asylum. After, there will be a series of cutscenes and then the mission will come to a close.
<< Proof of Conspiracy |
The Lost City >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |