Eternal Strands Guide: “Aftermath / Remains Of The Day” Walkthrough

Eternal Strands Walkthrough: Aftermath / Remains Of The Day

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)


Remains Of The Day



After fighting off the Surgeborn Herald and seeing Isla’s sacrifice, we’ll now be onto our next set of missions, preparing for the final fight with the Surgeborn.

You should be in the base camp to begin with if you’ve just finished the previous missions. If not, wherever you are, make sure you use the Loomgate and teleport back here to begin the mission.

First up, go and speak to Oria. After a bit of a pep-talk, we’ll now need to gather the band around the scry. This is quite straightforward, simply approach the center of camp and press triangle to interact with the scry.

After discussing what to do next, the msision will come to an end. However, it will also open up 3 more missions – Remains of the Day, Weathering The Storm and In Memories.


Remains Of The Day

First up, go and speak to Dahm. Turns out the Surgeborn has left behind a Kinetic Stream we can use, which will be very handy going forward. This move allows you to project a warp pad that will propel you forward in any direction. It’s a great tool to use to launch closer to large Ark enemies or make a quick getaway.

After the first bit of dialogue, speak to Dahm again, and select Kinetic Powers. Then, cycle down and select the new power to unlock.

Kinetic Stream will be very useful to use in the final parts of the game, making the fights with Arkons and flying bosses that much easier too!

Oh, and unlocking this will also completes the mission too. Now it’s time to crack on with the other two missions.

<< A Sudden Gambit

Weathering The Storm >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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