Eternal Strands Walkthrough: In Memories
Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!) |
The Secret Refuge |
Burn The Spindle’s Toy |
Shaped Coral |
Hidden Fragments |
After fighting off the Surgeborn Herald and seeing Isla’s sacrifice, we’ll now be onto our next set of missions, preparing for the final fight with the Surgeborn.
Three missions will have unlocked after you’re back in base camp. For this mission, we’ll need to use the Loomgate and head across to Cassidan’s Hold. When you get there, go and speak to the Axle.
The Secret Refuge
For the Spindle’s Funeral, we’ll have a few items we need to grab. In order to get those, it’s time to head over to the secret refuge near Poldervale in Dredger’s Mire.
Teleport to Dredger’s Mire and toward the once frozen village. On the outskirts, near the cliffside, you’ll find a little treehouse overlooking everything. Climb up the rock face.
When you reach this area, be sure to defeat the enemies lurking about, and slip inside the cave just to the right of this area. Inside, you’ll find a desk holding the Point’s Headguard design.
You’ll also find On The Workings of Arkons and Toy Arkon on the side (which are both quest items), along with another Codex Entry too.
Burn The Spindle’s Toy
With the Spindle’s Toy obtained, we now need to head over to Upper Dynevron. Within the Hallowpyre Rise area, you’ll find the shrine in the middle of the hollowed out building, just to the right of the gardens
Use Drake’s Breath to burn the toy, and then pick it up from the ashes to gain the trophy, …To Ashes.
With this gained, head back to Cassidan’s Hold and hand the Spindle over to The Eye. This will also unlock a new Fragment, Stanilde’s Revelation.
Speak to the Axle again, then head back to camp and speak to Dahm. This will unlock a new design for an Arkon Power Core.
Shaped Coral
To craft the Arkon Power Core, we need a very specific Shaped Coral piece in order to progress further. First, head over to the Loomgate and teleport to Arkon’s Hearth.
Progress through to the Arcane Forge and you’ll find this sitting atop the throne there. Be careful of the Spitfire Nests dotted around.
With the Shaped Coral gained, head back to camp. After a brief bit of dialogue, speak to Sola and have her craft the Power Core.
Next, use the Loomgate to teleport to Cassidan’s Hold and speak to the Axle.
Hidden Fragments
We’ll now need to find 3 hidden fragments on the Source. You’ll find these located in the Spire area in Upper Dynevron, in the exact same spot we found the Proof of Conspiracy earlier in the game:
The second spot is located in the Institute’s Eastern Circuit of Musing, on the ground opposite the lower level past the Loomgate here:
Next, inside the Bastion’s Garrison Bunker, right next to the Loomgate.
With all of this gained, head back and speak to Laen. After compiling the Codex Entry, we’ll now need to “lessen the dangers” with Sev’s help. This ties directly into the mission, Weathering The Storm, so if you haven’t completed that yet, now’s the time to do it. You can get there by following the link above (or below) if you haven’t completed that mission yet.
With the previous mission completed, and the Weather Controller crafted, go and speak to Oria in camp. This will also complete the mission and move us onto the final fights in the game!
<< Weathering The Storm |
On The Precipice >> |
You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here! |