Enigma of Fear: “Crystal Cave” Walkthrough & Puzzle Guide

Enigma of Fear: Crystal Cave

Area List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Crystal Cave Interior

The Control Room

Trapping Goliath

The Paranormal Flashlight


Before entering Crystal Cave, you need to have grabbed the Deja Vu Radio from the Graveyard of Melodies. If you haven’t, then you won’t be able to complete this part of the game and you’ll need to come back here later. With that in mind, we’d highly recommend completing that section first before even stepping foot here.

When you’ve obtained the radio, head on over to the Crystal Cave. This is located on the East side of the Perimeter. Be sure to check the note on the way over, located by the exterior tent, as this gives some more clues over exactly what’s going on…

Also note you can find Cursed Item: Thumbdrive, just to the south of the entrance.

When you’re ready, head on inside.


Crystal Cave Interior

The Crystal Cave is a large area, separated into hub sections through electrical pillars. These have wires leading into different chambers, which in turn power up parts of the cave. The key here is to basically power up the correct numbers in order to progress through the cave, while there’s only a certain amount of electricity so you won’t be able to turn every single one on.

There are several things we need to do here, and while you can theoretically complete parts of Crystal Cave without completing the Graveyard first, you’ll soon see why this is a problem.

To begin with, approach Pillar #1 and press the handle. The view will change and the doors in the background will open.

On the other side, hug the left side of the room and pick up the blue Schematic from the desk. As detailed earlier in this walkthrough, these maps are key to progressing through the area.


The Control Room

If you use your UV light too, it’ll give you a few extra hints over what we need to do.

For now, progress through the Cave. Do note that if you wish to explore in peace, don’t turn on any of the other Pillars just yet. As soon as you start to turn on the levers and the electricity flows, a giant crystalized monster called Goliath will chase you through the caves.

Unfortunately, it’s also quicker than your running speed too, so the chances are it will kill you if you’re not careful.

Make note of the Emergency Room in the center of the Cave. Oswald is in here and he serves as the “Mini Guardian” of the cave. To kill him, you’ll need to turn off your flashlight, crouch down and sneak up behind him to stealth-kill. You also gain Achievement: Scream by doing this.

Along with the central room being a safe haven from Goliath, it also opens up a puzzle area, where you can use the spotlight in the corner of the room to show a secret code, which we need for the Containment Room. This code is 1-3-4-5-9.

When you’re ready, turn on Pillars #4 and #5. Follow the wires to the right, and for Pillar #5, follow the wire heading north east.

At some point, you’ll start to be chased by Goliath. He’s pretty much unstoppable so don’t even waste your bullets on it but use the Emergency Room to evade it.

The Control Room can be found just to the right of Pillar #5. Once you’ve hit the two levers, head inside.

On the console on the far side of the room are three screens. On the first, make note of the handle just next to the screen and press it down to open the Perpetual Engine.

The second screen shows a Map with a bunch of switches, along with a third console that shows Goliath is not contained. There’s also a Radio just to the right of this console too.

Insider the Perpetual Engine (located just north west of Pillar #5, you’ll find an important note here about containing Goliath).

There are also a couple of important notes here about the God of Fear. When you’re ready though, head back to the Console and power on the following switches:


Trapping Goliath

This will effectively flow power all the way down to Pillar #11, where the Containment Cell is located. If you haven’t explored the Cave yet, you’ll have plenty of chances to do that after this part.

Now, make sure your Deja Vu Radio is equipped and hit the console, inputting the code we obtained earlier from the Emergency Room of 1-3-4-5-9. Do note that you only need to input this once, and then if you die you’ll be able to just hit the console once to proceed.

The rumbling from the doors will awaken Goliath, who will show up in the room and charge at you. What you need to do is hide by the rocks to the left of the Console then make a sprint into the Containment room once the doors are open. Hit the console on the wall and activate your Radio to teleport back 5 seconds, and out the room.

The doors will shut, Goliath will be trapped, and you’ll obtain Achievement: Confinement.


The Paranormal Flashlight

With Goliath taken care of, it’s now time to deal with the most annoying part of the Cave. To get the Paranormal Flashlight (which we need for the Spiral Castle), you need to chase the Crystal demon through the caves until it ends up trapped. To do that, you need to lead it outside (to the left of Pillar #7).

You need to make note of where the Demon is running to and try to guide it round so it rushes outside. It will run in the opposite direction to you, so a good idea is to guide it round in a circle until it reaches Pillar #11. At this point, run from the north, then rush left. If it runs up, head it off in Pillar Rooms #2 or #3 so it ends up outside.

It’ll take some doing but eventually it’ll be contained. Sneak up behind, smack it with your Crowbar, and take the Flashlight for yourself. Also note that this area has a vent that will lead you all the way back to the Underground!

When you gain the Paranormal Flashlight, you’ll also obtain Achievement: Third Eye.

Before you leave the Crystal Cave, there’s one more place to visit. With Goliath contained, head into the Danger Room, located jut left of Pillar #4 (pictured below)

At the end, you’ll find the Third Eye, which will grant you access to Alan’s Room with the code 110100101. Deciphering the Binary, you’ll be able to use the code 1-2-4-7-9.

With this, you’ll have finished the Crystal Cave section completely, and be able to move onto the Spiral Castle!

<< Graveyard of Melodies

Spiral Castle >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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