Emily In Paris – Season 2 Episode 8 “Champagne Problems” Recap & Review

Champagne Problems

Episode 8 of Emily In Paris begins with Emily deciding to turn Champere into a big viral trend. She has a fun advert that she shows off, with a seductive and sexually suggestive message about popping a top. However, Camille’s dad has gone rogue with a more sophisticated advert of his own… which goes down like a ton of bricks.

That evening, Alfie heads over to Gabriel’s restaurant for a beer. He also starts to get along with Gabriel too, causing all sorts of awkwardness to ensue when Emily appears. Gabriel plays into this though, with Alfie even deciding they should have dinner at Gabriel’s that night.

After eating together, Gabriel and Emily both throw shade at one another while Alfie takes a work call. There’s obviously still unresolved feelings here but it’s cut short when Alfie returns. Following their big meal, Alfie winds up burping in Emily’s face outside, ending any suggestive romantic implications, which appears to be Gabriel’s game, given his sly grin.

In the morning, Emily heads to Champagne with Camille for the weekend. She wants the family to be right at the heart of this Champere Challenge. When the photographer arrives, they set up and prepare to get started.

Unfortunately things take a nasty turn when Camille’s father “pops his top” and cuts his finger off in the process. This cuts short the filming as he’s rushed to hospital to get stitched up. He’s okay though, as we soon find out, as he heads back in time for dinner. In the ensuing chaos though, Gabriel shows up to check on them all.

As day turns to night, Camille gets talking about Alfie. However, Gabriel shows appears too and an awkward conversation soon arises.

Meanwhile, Sylvie and Erik start grower closer together. As they talk in different languages, there’s a moment where Erik tells Sylvie: “you’re Italian is beautiful.” Now, if someone could let me know if this is intentional or a goof with the subtitles that would be great as it definitely stands out!

Anyway, as they kiss, they wind up bumping into Antoine who happens to be sitting at the table in a restaurant nearby. Sylvie wants to keep him a secret but Erik isn’t fond of the idea; he wants them to be open about their relations and if she can’t do that then he doesn’t want to be involved with her.

Interestingly, Antoine and Catherine ring and decide they want her to head over for dinner with Erik. Sylvie is having none of it and hangs up. However, it does get her thinking and eventually she shatters her stubborn facade and visits Erik, opening up and admitting she wants to be with him after all.

As the episode closes out, Emily decides to head back to Paris. When she leaves though, Camille and Gabriel start growing closer together, although it’s unclear whether jealousy will play a part or not.

The Episode Review

This season has been such a weird medley of comedic influences and this episode it’s the turn of a bloody joke about a missing finger. Much like most of the big plot points this season, the show struggles to juggle its characters and give them meaningful storylines, with most of the plot points feeling lukewarm and struggling to actually stand out.

Still, the final two episodes look to be a little longer so we’ll have to wait an see what the rest of this season has in store for us.

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You can read our full season review for Emily In Paris Season 2 here!


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