Elite – Season 8 Episode 3 “Combustion” Recap & Review

Combustion – Recap

The recap of Elite Season 8 Episode 3 begins with certain candidates getting accepted into the Alumni including Chloe and Joel. It cuts to the graduation party and Joel apologizing to Isa. She is furious and tells him that he’ll regret whatever he has done.

Back to the present, Luis shows up at Isa’s place while she is feeling sorry for herself and believes her father can fix things. The cop forces her to have dinner with him in exchange for a visitation with her father. Elsewhere, Hector suddenly tells Joel to pay 2,000 Euros for becoming a part of the club. But since Joel cannot afford it, Hector offers to cover for him.

This doesn’t go well with Joel as he refuses to be a charity case. Hector comes up with a solution – their first event is a race in which Hector always wins. Joel can bet on him and get the prize which can help him repay Ivan, pay for the Alumni events and more. Alone, Omar warns him about getting into a cult, but Joel says he can handle it.

Meanwhile, Dalmar extorts 10k from Carmen. However, she fills the bag with paper and adds only a couple of real notes to fool him. On top of that, she puts a tracker in the bag and follows Dalmar home. She threatens to frame him and takes the money back. Out of pity, she leaves a grand for him but his desperation grows as he gets a one-month notice to leave the country.

As for Isa, her visit with Martin, her father is less than fruitful as he claims he is in danger and that she should sell the club to the loanshark, Cibran to clear his debt and use the rest of the money to bail him out. Isa is upset that he is being selfish and goes back to drugs. Omar suggests borrowing from Ivan who is more than ready. But he is skeptical if they can fix the club and this offends her.

With no other option, her mother, Roberta forces her to contact Cibran. But he offers her peanuts which is not enough to cover their debt let alone bail Martin out. At school, Isa overhears Joel and Nico talking about the Alumni race and she tags along. To enter the race, she bets her club.

Chloe is worried for Isa and tells Ivan. He arrives and spots Joel and Hector making out. But he isn’t able to stop Isa who enters the race. He and Joel get into an argument and a jealous Hector drops out of the race to call Joel. Mid-way, Isa goes off track and crashes which has Ivan running to her. As Joel goes to Hector, Emilia runs him over. Joel calls out for Ivan before Hector and Chloe take him away. 

Emilia wins the race and goes over to Isa who is being consoled by Ivan. She points out that Isa lost and now the club is hers. But Ivan steps in and says he bought it the previous night and so he is the new owner. Emilia says Isa owes her and leaves. A delighted Isa goes to meet her father and learns he has been killed by Cibran. Roberta is upset and blames Isa for everything. Luis hugs a shocked Isa.

On graduation night, Joel and Luis go head to head. Joel threatens to expose Luis and drops a beer bottle on his feet before walking off. And that is the end of the Elite Season 8 Episode 3 recap.

The Episode Review

Elite Season 8 Episode 3 finally gets the ball rolling with the graduation party mystery. Hector is very likely not the killer but now the suspects’ list is increasing with more probable candidates. Luis seems like the obvious choice but what reason does he have to kill Joel? Well, we are definitely tuning into the next episode.

However, the final season is turning from an ensemble story to the Isa and Joel show. All the other characters have nothing contributing to the plot except act as plot devices. We don’t even see much of Sara and Nico who are still the main characters, let alone Nadia. This is largely disappointing as Nadia was used as a clickbait to bring old fans back. But where is she?

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