Dungeon People – Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Coworkers, Family

Episode 5 of Dungeon People begins where we left off in episode 4 with Clay in the Antomurg Dungeon’s arena with the dragon. The dragon introduces himself as Reilmond. Reilmond tells Clay he enjoyed seeing her fight the goblins. He tells Clay that he’d like to offer Clay personal training. Clay accepts Reilmond’s offer and the two fight.

Clay struggles to land a decisive blow on Reilmond. She argues she must sharpen her inexperienced techniques to defeat him. Then, Clay sharpens her magical senses and wounds Reilmond, much to his surprise. Despite cutting Reilmond’s finger off and stabbing his eye, Clay gets hit by one of his energy beams.

Clay loses an arm in the process. Reilmond praises Clay for her skills and suggests they end their match for today. Clay leaves the arena and regroups with Belle. She ponders “magical power” concerning weapons, creatures, and Brans, Clay’s father. Clay wants to improve her magical power’s speed and accuracy attributes. 

Then, Clay and Belle discuss the former’s experiences with tackling new jobs. Clay confirms this is the first time she’s taken a job not given to her by a guild. Belle tells Clay she hasn’t thought of a proper task to give Clay. Belle tells Clay she wanted more personnel when she offered her this dungeon gig. For now, Belle wants Clay to stay by her side and experience different jobs.

Then, Belle and Clay head to a new location because Belle wants Clay to help her make treasure. Belle shows Clay the stuff around the area that Rangard says they can use. Clay tells Belle she’ll assist her but wants Belle to help her clean up the place when they’re done. After that, Clay and Belle meet with Rangard. Rangard asks Clay if she’d like to experience equipment making.

Clay says she’d love to. After Clay cleans up the room with Belle, she visits Rangard. Rangard leads Clay to an undisclosed room and explains how it was built to Clay. Rangard explains why he and the golems perform mining work around the area. Rangard leads Clay to his workspace next and lets her try some daggers.

Clay returns the daggers to Rangard and asks him if he made a specific dagger. Rangard confirms he did and Clay asks him if he made the Antomurg Dungeon’s 10th floor daggers. Rangard confirms he did. Then, Simone, one of the golems hands Clay and Rangard some tea. Rangard and Clay discuss Rangard, the golems, and Belle’s duties.

Then, the two discuss the Antomurg Dungeon’s administrator, Belle’s master, and his passionate nature. Rangard wishes Belle acted more like the former admin. He tells Clay that she set up the recruitment conditions for Belle and is happy Belle recruited someone like Clay. Rangard argues Belle is a lonely person.

Clay regroups with Belle in the control room. She explains how things went with Rangard. Clay ponders Rangard’s intel about Belle and her master’s relationship. Additionally, Clay compares Belle and her master’s relationship to her connection with Brans. Clay asks Belle to share her thoughts on Rangard. Belle views Rangard like family. Clay suggests Belle ask Rangard to tell Belle how he feels about her.

Belle says she already did that before. The episode ends with a flashback of Rangard hitting Belle on the head.

The Episode Review

Dungeon People episode 5 was a fine showcase. It gave audiences a fascinating fight between Clay and Reilmond, the dragon from the previous chapter. Out of all the monsters Clay faced up to this point, Reilmond certainly gave her much-needed competition. This is refreshing considering Clay’s been a slightly unstoppable powerhouse since the introductory episode. 

Moreover, it was great seeing Clay admit that she needs to train harder. Hopefully, Belle will give Clay jobs that will help Clay sharpen her skills. Additionally, this episode gave fans an idea of what Belle’s relationship was like with the Antomurg Dungeon’s former administrator. Despite being a powerhouse herself, it’s compelling to know Belle isn’t perfect and has flaws she must conquer. 

Therefore, it’d be great to see Belle overcome her inner demons of loneliness and other issues through her casual outings and discussions with Clay. Moreover, this chapter gave fans some intel on Rangard and the Golem’s duties. It wasn’t much, but fans will appreciate the neat tidbits we received in this one. 

Overall, this was an okay chapter of Dungeon People. The action, visually, was subpar, but thrilling during select portions. The intel, while short, was fascinating and will pique audiences’ curiosity about the Antomurg Dungeon’s other locales, too. Nonetheless, I’m interested to see what happens next.

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