Episode 16 of Dragon Ball Daima begins with Goku and the others holding a meeting. Piccolo and Shin argue they should rescue Dende. Our heroes head to Gomah’s Castle. The Gendarmerie Force stops them. Vegeta defeats three of the Gendarmerie Force members.
The Gendarmerie Force’s leader, Kadem, confronts Vegeta. After Vegeta attacks Kadem, Kadem regroups with his team. Kadem asks the others to help him forge a powerful attack. However, something happens. Our heroes capture the Gendarmerie Force.
Goku and the others head inside Gomah’s Castle. Meanwhile, the woman who took the Oculus from Hybis wanders the castle’s halls. She tries asking the Gendarmerie soldiers questions about Degesu’s whereabouts but they ignore her.
Goku and his friends encounter another door. Bulma fears they’ll stand out if they continue to travel in a large group. Goku suggests they split up. He, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Shin will focus on finding Dende. Bulma, Glorio, Panzy, and Hybis head somewhere with Kaden’s group.
After Goku’s group progresses, Panzy departs from Kaden’s group to be with Goku’s. Concurrently, Degesu looks out the window and spots something. Degesu flees with Dende somewhere. At the same time, Goku senses Dende’s ki. Vegeta, Shin, and Piccolo follow Goku.
Panzy notices Goku’s group and follows them. Degesu tries to flee via a Gendarmerie plane but Goku’s group finds him. Degesu points a gun at Dende and warns our heroes not to come closer. Degesu tells Shin he wants to become the Demon Realm’s king. He argues all Glinds seek a higher position.
Concurrently, Gomah observes Goku’s group and Degesu’s confrontation from his usual location. Gomah questions if Degesu plans to abandon him. Panzy tries to stop Degesu but fails. Suddenly, Glorio throws Hybis’s hat at Degesu.
Degesu tosses Dende and Panzy grabs Dende. Piccolo knocks Degesu out and Glorio and Hybis reveal themselves to Goku’s group. At the same time, Gomah laughs at Degesu’s defeat. The woman Degesu hired to retrieve the Oculus arrives and gives it to Gomah.
Several authorities take Degesu somewhere. Glorio tells Goku’s group they should fight Tamagami Number One (One) and make their wish before confronting Gomah. Goku and Kaden’s group meet One. One tells them that someone claimed his Dragon Ball.
Arinsu, Kuu, and Duu meet our heroes. She tells both groups that she has One’s Dragon Ball. At the same time, Gomah removes the Oculus from Hybis’s belt. Gomah bribes the woman Degesu hired to put the Oculus on his forehead. The woman flees during Gomah’s transformation.
The episode ends with a close-up shot of Gomah’s face.
The Episode Review
The Gendarmerie Force wasn’t as impressive as many had hoped. The Ginyu Force put up more of a fight than these fellows. Although previous chapters semi-alluded to the Gendarmerie Force being a goofy group, some may be disappointed that they weren’t secretly powerful.
It makes the previous chapters that featured them feel wasteful. On the other hand, some fans will be mixed about Degesu’s desires. Some folks can understand why Degesu wants to become the Supreme Demon King. Yet, others will argue Dragon Ball Daima should’ve given Degesu more screen time to justify his semi-betrayal.
Nevertheless, the next chapter prepares audiences for an epic clash between the Majins and our heroes. Hopefully, Kuu and Duu can give Goku’s group a better fight than the laughable Gendarmerie Force. Many fans will share the same hopes for Gomah now that he’s stronger.
But all in all, this was a fine episode.
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