Delicious In Dungeon
Delicious In Dungeon is a new fantasy anime being worked on by the beloved Japanese animation studio, Studio Trigger. It revolves around a group of adventurers who embark on a perilous journey through a labyrinthine dungeon. To survive in this location, they utilize ingredients from the creatures inhabiting the dungeon to craft delicious meals. They hope to find their missing party member by their journey’s end.
If you’ve been following this anime, you may be curious to know when the next episode will be released. Well, wonder no more!
Delicious In Dungeon Episode 16 Release Date
The entire schedule for Delicious In Dungeon Season 1 so far is as follows:
- Episode 16 – April 18th 2024
Episode 16 will be released on Thursday 18th April at 6:30pm (JST) / 9:30am (GMT) / 5:30am (ET) / 2:30am (PT). This is a weekday show, with 1 episode releasing each week on Thursdays.
Expect episode 16 to be roughly 25 minutes long, which is consistent with the timeframe for the rest of the show.
Where Can I Watch The Delicious In Dungeon?
Delicious In Dungeon Season 1 is airing on Netflix for global audiences. In Japan, it’s being broadcast across 28 Stations nationwide including Tokyo MX, BS11, and AT-X.
How Many Episodes Will Delicious In Dungeon Have?
It has been announced that Delicious In Dungeon Season 1 will have 24 episodes in total. With that in mind, 8 episodes will remain after this one. As long as the schedule doesn’t change, it should look something like this:
- Episode 17 – April 25th
- Episode 18 – May 2nd
- Episode 19 – May 9th
- Episode 20 – May 16th
- Episode 21 – May 23rd
- Episode 22 – May 30th
- Episode 23 – June 6th
- Episode 24 – June 13th
Is There A Trailer for This Anime?
There is indeed! You can check out the brand-new trailer below:
What Happened In Episode 15?
Delicious In Dungeon Season 1 Episode 15 starts where we left off in Episode 14 with Chilchuk, Laios, and the others finding themselves in a difficult scenario. Marcille informs the three that the dungeon’s layout is shifting. Although Chilchuk and Laios try to investigate, they run into a few hurdles, preventing them from doing so. Then, Chilchuk gets a whiff of something interesting and Laios tells him to track the scent down.
Chilchuk and Senshi arrive near a group of Dryad Flowers. The former interrupts the Dryad Flower’s intimate ritual, causing one of them to rush toward Senshi. Although Laios arrives and defeats it, he and Senshi get affected by the Dryad Flower’s pollen, causing them to experience hay fever. Fortunately, Chilchuk isn’t affected and helps Senshi defeat the remaining enemies. The three return to Marcille’s side and inform her about what happened.
Marcille confronts Laios. She tells Laios that she wants to teach him healing and defensive magic. While she does, Chilchuk and Senshi engage in a “birds and the bees” discussion. Later, we cut away to our heroes resting in a random building. Marcille guides Laios and helps him learn a healing spell. Laios succeeds and Marcille praises him. Before Laios can heal Senshi, our heroes experience another rumble nearby.
Laios collapses to the ground minutes later, and Marcille says it’s because he’s experiencing mana sickness. Therefore, Marcille, Senshi, and Chilchuk leave Laios to investigate the rumblings. During their investigation, the three run into a Cockatrice. The beast chases them to a nearby building. Our trio hides in the building and conjures a swift scheme. Marcille leaves to perform her role in the ploy.
Her plan’s success allows Senshi to hurt the Cockatrice’s snake part. Unfortunately, the snake bites Marcille, but she blows the snake up via explosion magic. Senshi defeats the beast’s rooster part with his axe. The three regroup with Laios. They ask him for advice on how Marcille can heal from her snake bite. Laios doesn’t give the best advice, resulting in Marcille turning to stone.
After several days pass, Laios finds a way to heal Marcille of her petrified state. The episode closes with the three having a Cockatrice meal together.
We’ve covered the entire episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below.
Read more: Delicious In Dungeon – Season 1 Episode 15 Recap & Review
What’s been your favorite moment from Delicious In Dungeon so far? Have you read the manga Delicious In Dungeon is based on? Let us know in the comments below!