Curb Your Enthusiasm – Season 12 Episode 4 Recap & Review


Curb Your Enthusiasm episode 4 begins with Larry reading a ‘Disgruntled’ letter in the men’s bathroom bulletin board of the golf club. Mr. Takahashi is determined to discover who the person is who wrote the letter, with Larry high on his suspect list. 

At the golf club restaurant, Jeff tells Larry that Willie Geist is interested in doing a profile on him about the Atlanta incident. When the server arrives at their table, Larry is annoyed because they won’t serve breakfast past 11 am, but Larry wants his eggs. He tries to find a breakfast loophole, using Cobb salad ingredients to make a breakfast dish, and the server refuses.

However, Larry has brought his own organic eggs to the restaurant and she begrudgingly accepts Larry’s requests as he insists the chef knows about his egg thing. The whole table gets their breakfast and this prompts everyone else to ask for breakfast too.

Elsewhere, Irma tells everyone about her sponsor and says he has suggested she and Larry get couples therapy. Larry relents and agrees to go to therapy to aide Irma’s ‘therapy,’ but secretly he has an end date for the relationship in mind. 

After breakfast, Jeff admits to Larry that he’s the guy who wrote the “Disgruntled” letter but they’ll have to keep this secret. Larry announces that this is the best thing Jeff’s ever done in his life. 

Couples therapy commences with Irma revealing intimate details about Larry to the therapist, who happens to be the wife of a former writer on Seinfeld that Larry knows, a man called Hobie Turner. Larry and Irma leave and see Jeff and Susie waiting for their session. 

During the session, Jeff notices that the walls are thin as he hears someone sneeze next door. He is worried because Susie mentions that Jeff was the one who wrote the disgruntled letter. Jeff checks the board at the building and sees that Arnold Velcheck, who is Takahashi’s best friend, occupies the office and is worried Velcheck heard everything and will tell Takahashi, resulting in him being kicked out of the golf club. 

Velcheck is a urologist, and Larry comes up with a plan to get Leon an appointment at the same time Larry and Irma have couples therapy to see what he can hear through the walls. Jeff and Larry assure him all he has to do is pee in a cup.

Geist turns up at Larry’s house to do the piece on him. Geist tells Larry that one person during his research had referred to him as an asshole, and Larry is desperate to know who it is, but Geist refuses to tell him. Geist begins to suspect that Larry might be the “Disgruntled” person at the golf club. This becomes the focus of his story instead of the Atlanta incident. 

Before leaving, Geist asks to use the restroom… and asks Larry to recommend a good urologist to him.

The plan goes ahead for Leon to attend the urologist appointment, and Leon is horrified when he realises he’s getting a prostate exam. And Larry confirms that everything can be heard in the walls. 

Elsewhere, Hobie confronts Larry on the course about being rude to his wife during therapy sessions, with Larry insisting he’s not supposed to know due to confidentiality.

He accuses Larry of being “Disgruntled,” and Takahashi turns up to kick him out of the club, but Jeff admits to it, which is followed by everyone else at the club admitting to it.

Hobie heads to his wife’s office and picks her up to go to lunch. He tells her about the whole episode with everyone claiming to be “Disgruntled.” She tells him Jeff is “Disgruntled.” At the same time, Geist is having his appointment with Velcheck and both men hear the whole thing. To add insult to injury, the little detail that the chef at the club has been eating all of Larry’s organic eggs is revealed by Velcheck. Geist grins as he finally has his story.

The Episode Review

The best episode of season 12 so far, this one has laugh-out-loud moments throughout and some brilliant plotting as always as Larry tries to keep the secret of the ‘disgruntled’ person at the gold club. His therapy sessions with Irma are brilliant, as he and Tracy Ullman make a fantastic comedy double act. 

This show is coming to an end at the peak of its powers, and that is incredible as it’s been going 25 years. This episode is one of the strongest entries the series has ever produced. Larry David is a comedy genius and the supporting cast members are all brilliant. 

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