Episode 6
Episode 6 of Breathless begins 3 weeks later and the strike is losing steam. Other hospitals have backed out and the public is angry that they aren’t able to get treated efficiently. One man even throws paint at Moa. Leo admits they have failed but Moa refuses to back down. He decides to play Patricia’s game by confronting her in front of the media. Meanwhile, the government switches tracks and congratulates Patricia for winning the public’s favour.
At the hospital, our protagonists are constantly busy as this time there is a prison fire. Jesica has backed down from the strike and resumed her work. While Pilar and Biel try to save a prison staff who has been stabbed, Jesica takes over the culprit who has been severely burnt.
Both go into cardiac arrest and things are bleak for the victim. Pilar is called away and Jesica orders Biel to abandon the victim and help with the culprit. He is furious but gives in and helps her after the victim dies.
As the culprit recovers, Jesica tries to patch up with Biel. She apologises for not telling him about Lluis but reprimands him for judging who they should save. He doesn’t share the same beliefs and walks off. Meanwhile, Pilar requests the protestors to help as there are just way too many urgent cases and a lot of them give in and end the strike.
Hugo also happens to be one of the prisoners hurt and his parents panic. They pull strings and get him operated soon but Lluis is angry and blames Leo for their son’s predicament. He pulls up a report and orders her to reveal that she messed up Joana’s examination. She is upset as he calls her out for her always-trust-the-victim-first belief.
However, to save her son, she will come clean but she wants to talk to Hugo. She tells him the truth and Lluis confidently tells Hugo that she will take all the responsibility. But on learning that his mother will have to pay, Hugo reveals that Joana indeed asked him to stop but he didn’t. Leo is heartbroken while Lluis looks disappointed.
As for May, she is shocked when Rocio hires a lawyer who threatens her for putting their child at risk. She is furious and claims that she will fight Rocio for custody.
Meanwhile, Patricia goes to a private doctor and learns that her cancer is in metastasis which means it was bound to spread. It is not her day either as she learns that Moa is planning to debate with her on a popular talk show. She calls Biel over and asks for his honest opinion on the operation. He looks sad as he explains that the cancer had already spread when they cut her open. The next day, Emilio shows up with the perfect ammunition to take down Moa.
As for Quique, he visits Oscar at the cancer ward and explains that he sent him a voice message telling him how he feels. Oscar is annoyed with his hot and cold behaviour but listens to it anyway. Quique shares that he is not scared Pilar and doesn’t care that Oscar is only 19. He likes Oscar even if their situation isn’t ideal. Oscar is amused and he goes up to Quique and kisses him. They end up hooking up in the bathroom.
The debate begins and it is tough to judge as both Moa and Patricia have valid points. Patricia hopes to privatize healthcare but claims that her model will ensure that it won’t be expensive. However, Moa doesn’t believe her and goes on about all the factors that make it impossible for a nominal private medical care. Patricia wants to use her ammo against Moa but she decides not to.
That night, as Moa goes for a run, some locals are angry because of the strike and beat him up. He is rushed to the hospital and the union decides to end the strike to protect the protestors. Patricia visits him and reveals her ammo – his wife had cancer and he was investigated for allegedly assisting her in her suicide.
While he has been found innocent, Patricia points out that the public would have turned on him had she revealed it. But she is ready to do everything he wants if he can do the impossible and cure her cancer. At the end of Breathless Episode 6, Patricia holds him and begs him to save her.
The Episode Review
Are we getting some enemies-to-lovers vibe from Patricia and Moa? Both seem to have extremely staunch beliefs on the healthcare system which do not seem to match. But if the writers could solve Leo’s situation so easily in Breathless Episode 6, it would be interesting to see how they deal with Patricia and Moa’s conflict.
And wait, hold up, so Oscar is truly 19? Most medical students begin their residencies in their late 20s. So, even if we are being optimistic and Quique was an exceptional student, he has to be at least 25. Yeah, okay, Pilar has all the right to be angry with him… Quique really needs to stick to people who are in his age group.
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