Bloodride – Season 1 Episode 6 (The Finale) Recap & Review

The Elephant in the Copy Room

The last episode on the list in Bloodride is “The Elephant in the Room”, which is probably the weakest one of the series. While Netflix mentions that the episodes can be watched in any order, this may not be the best one to end the series with. Still, overall this anthology has been quite thrilling and enjoyable with enough interesting and creepy chapters to experience, perfect for anyone looking for some decent horror stories.

Elephant in the Room starts in the bus with a man, William, in an elephant costume with blood coming out of the eye socket. We then cut to William getting ready in his costume and heading to an office party. As we see all the guests dressed up as animals, Paul meets Kristin who quickly become friendly with each other. Their boss Steinar gives a speech about performance before mentioning their colleague Martha, who’s in a coma. He then asks Helene and William to say a few words about their colleagues. As they mention how unfortunate Martha has been in her accident, Steinar quickly stops them from sharing any more details.

After receiving drink vouchers from Helene, Paul explains to Kristin that Martha was alone with William and Helene when she died by falling off the balcony. Kristin finds it very suspicious but all of a sudden, William arrives and tries to get them to kiss. After this weird interaction, they head back down to the party and discuss the strange case further.

Kristin and Paul later find out that Martha was bullied and that two days before she fell, someone made a picture comparing her to Gollum from Lord of the Rings. As they speak to another colleague about it, she tells them she believes the directors tried to shut the case down very quickly. Believing it is Helene and William who sent the picture, Kristin and Paul confront Helene about the incident, who doesn’t deny it. As they interrogate her about the accident, she admits that Martha was in love with William and that fateful night, she ran towards them in a craze. They then jump out of the way to the side which caused her to go over the railing and fall.

As the party gets underway, Kristin and Paul try to find out more about Martha while William and Helene end up alone in the copy room. One of the managers suddenly finds William’s body covered in blood in one of the toilet cubicles. As he gets back in the room and reveals to the rest of the guests that William is dead, their attention turns to the copy room as it is revealed that Martha is wearing the elephant costume and killed William. The episode ends with Kristin holding the keys to the copy room but deciding not to help Helene as we see the latter being butchered by a monstrous Martha.

The Elephant in the Room feels a little slower than the other installments as it takes some time to get into the swing of things, presenting us with a mystery surrounding a colleague and victim of a freak accident. The theme of this episode tackles bullying and revenge as we see that Helene and William made fun of Martha’s looks.

Seeing Kristin keeping the keys instead of helping Helene was quite interesting and added a clever edge to the episode. The Elephant in the Room may be the weakest episode of this anthology but as it felt more like a slasher and thriller, it may still appeal to some people. Bloodride’s variety of chapters, alongside some clever twists and great story-telling, make this horror series worth checking out and should have something for everyone to enjoy.

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1 thought on “Bloodride – Season 1 Episode 6 (The Finale) Recap & Review”

  1. can someone tell me the name of the song in the chapter 2 when the brothers are in the car and the song says something like the “monkey wanna play with you”

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