The Mystery Begins
Following last week’s opening episode, which received mixed critical reception, we return to BH90210 this week with a darker tone clouding the group and the teasing glimpses of a mystery to come across the episodes.
We start with another dream segment where we see Jenny running around her old high school with people telling her that Kelly has been shot.
In the morning, Jenny finds out that her daughter wants to audition for a part but she forbids her to act. This is followed by a meeting with Fox where Tori and Jenny pitch their ideas for the reboot. The channel is on-board, however the girls need to convince everyone else to take part.
Meanwhile, the gang heads to court after the events in Vegas where they get told that most of the charges are being dropped. However, they will each have to complete 50 hours of community service and pay the owner of the dress $100,000 in compensation. Tori then uses this moment to suggest the idea of a reboot but unfortunately she is met by laughs and they quickly dismiss the concept.
Tori has an idea soon after and wants to be the producer of the show, just like her dad used to be with the original Beverly Hills. We also see that something fishy is happening with Jason’s wife, as she meets with a man who threatens to reveal her secret. Meanwhile, Brian gets the job he auditioned for but it is only because he has a famous wife, which doesn’t please him and he later confronts her about it.
Tori tries to convince Jason to take part in the reboot by suggesting he direct the pilot episode. Afterward, she slowly manages to convince each actor one by one, promising to get them each what they want. However, Jenny decides to pull out at the last minute as she is having trouble with her daughter.
Interspersed throughout the episode, we also see glimpses of the same stalker from before, spying and taking pictures of the gang.
Brian then calls Shannen and confides about what has been happening and Jason visits Jenny where he manages to convince her to come back in the reboot.
At the community service, tensions build again when egos come crashing down while discussing the upcoming reboot. However, Tori manages to quickly stifle the drama, with everyone later attending the Fox meeting. It’s here they’re met by a surprise guest – the actress who played Emily Valentine, Christine Elise -who will be the executive of the show.
While Jenny tells her daughter that she will have a recurring role on the reboot, Gabrielle talks to her husband about how her character will be exploring her sexuality and seems to be about to tell him about her kiss in Vegas. We also see Jason receiving a call from his doctor where he explains that Jason has some fertility problems, prompting him to wonder if the baby is his.
The episode then ends with the stalker sending his CV in to apply to be Brian’s assistant and each actor receiving a doll of themselves which has been mutilated.
While it still focuses on the drama and nostalgia around the actors, BH90210 shifts to a surprisingly dark tone with the addition of a mystery that appears to be woven through the episodes to come. It’s a smart move too, one that stops the show becoming too repetitive and predictable.
Seeing the rich actors dealing with everyday life issues like debt and failed relationships gives the series some depth too and proves once again that money and fame simply doesn’t buy happiness. There are still plenty of references to the original show which should please fans of the original, however for the newcomers to this franchise, the added suspense and twists should be enough to keep you coming back for more.
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