Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life – Episodes 47 & 48 Recap and Review

A Paris Promise

Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life continues with its steady pace this week and just as we expected a big break-up between Cheong-Ah and Joon-Hwi, the latter is still torn and unable to go ahead with it as he’s overwhelmed by the kind nature of his girlfriend and his feelings for her. Cheong-Ah has so far been the most likable character in the show, adding some emotional depth to the story, and as this soapy Korean drama continues, more drama is brought to the foreground.

We begin with Joon-Hwi telling Cheong-Ah he doesn’t like her anymore. However, she thinks it’s because she doesn’t smell good after the drunk lady was sick on her. He hugs her though before they sit together and makes plans to meet on Christmas, which also happens to be her birthday.

Seol-Ah’s boss meanwhile, comes to see her after she finishes work to congratulate her on another great broadcast, despite the lack of listeners. Back home, she visits Yeon-Ah’s room and accidentally finds the cheque for 1 billion won. Meanwhile, Haw-Young tells his son that his cousin has a girlfriend, worrying that he may have children before him. She tells him to hurry up and marry Hae-Rang, while we see a man arriving at Tae-Rang’s restaurant and asking to book out the entire place.

As Jin-Woo arrives to talk to him, Tae-Rang realizes that all food will now be wasted, which angers him. Determined to do anything he can to get his ex-wife back, Jin-Woo tells Tae-Rang that they were planning to have a baby and asks him to give Seol-Ah some time to figure things out. Seol-Ah, however, decides to confront Jin-Woo about the amount of money he gave his sister. Unfortunately they disagree about money leaving her upset.

Seol-Ah returns home and berates her dad when she realizes he’s looking for the cheque she found. She tells him to stop taking things from Jin-Woo, which Young-Ae happens to overhear. Her mother gets annoyed at her husband for being so weak, but the latter defends himself, believing Seol-Ah and her sisters are better off with him in their lives. Young-Ae tells him that he should be the one to make their lives better as he’s their father and asks him what he has ever done for them.

Rim arrives at the intermarket for his first day and we see that he is actually working in the same department as Joon-Hwi, making things quite awkward for him. Cheong-Ah meets with Yu-Ra in a coffee shop ,where she gives her Joon-Gyeom’s watch and tells her she needs to carry on with her life now she has a boyfriend.

Later that night, Cheong-Ah and Joon-Hwi meet for their date in an art gallery as they happily look at romantic pictures of Paris. While we see Joon-Hwi still looking torn, Cheong makes him promise to go there one day together. The next day, Tae-Rang and his dad decide to eat in a restaurant for lunch not knowing that Seol-Ah also happens to have the same idea. She quickly leaves once she notices him sitting with his dad though, prompting Tae-Rang to later join her.

After finding out that her son has fired Hae-Rang, Hwa-Young decides to hire her as her secretary and asks if she has decided to use her brother. She tells her she trusts him to make the right decision, which pleases Haw-Young who vows to join forces with her to protect Jin-Woo.

Seeing Tae-Rang and Seol-Ah leave the company building together, Hwa young demands to meet with her. In her house, Hwa-Young tells Seol-Ah to leave her son alone and threatens to cause trouble for her family. As things start to get heated, Jin-Woo arrives and starts apologizing to her, explaining that he didn’t know this side of her and claims to have been selfish all this time. Seol-Ah looks at him with tears in her eyes as the episode ends.

Today’s episode was quite the emotional one for many of our characters. Cheong-Ah and Joon-Hwi are still together, despite him telling her he didn’t like her anymore. Cheong-Ah’s kindness and loving nature is irresistible which makes Joon-Hwi’s decision to end things really difficult. Watching him torn over this is quite sad to watch and I’m hoping things will soon become easier for him.

We’re also starting to see a different side to Jin-Woo, as he realizes how different his wife is now, leaving us to wonder if there’s still a chance for those two. There were some poignant moments for the parents too as Young-Ae finally comes to blows with her husband about how he has treated his daughters and Yu-Ra finally lets go of Cheong-Ah. This certainly will not be the last time these two see each other, as the next time might be when they both find out their connection with Joon-Hwi. This promises to be very dramatic but also a big hurdle for the couple.

All these different plot twists and interesting storylines continue to make this weekend drama quite addictive and easy to watch as we make our way to the half way point of the show.

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