Episode 4 of Beastars begins in the aftermath of the show, as the drama group gather around Rouis as he sits up and awakens in bed. He asks if the audience noticed him fall but they lie, telling him that they didn’t. Noticing that he’s now being pitied, he instead gives Bill, a tiger in the drama group, his lead part while he recovers.
Bill and Legoshi come to blows on stage, leading the latter to push him away. After practice, Els tells Legoshi that he needs to give support and complements him on how well he did during the rehearsals.
The night of the play begins and Bill promises not to ruin the adler, going on to admit he’ll leave his legacy on the part. After walking and talking together, Legoshi confronts Bill about the part and he brandishes a vial of rabbit’s blood, something to help him raise his adrenaline level in the future.
After coming to blows over this, the rivalry spills over on-stage as Legoshi and Bill come to blows again over the rabbit’s blood. Bill squeezes him tightly after Legoshi unleashes a flurry of punches on his face. Although Bill overpowers him and knocks Legoshi to the ground, Rouis arrives and takes up the mantle as leader, driving Bill away and soaking in the applause from the crowd as he revels in the spotlight.
Was this Rouis’ plan all along? Is he trying to get Legoshi to show off his animalistic side? There’s a lot of questions hanging over this show and Legoshi appears to be the one caught right in the middle. There’s some lovely black and white faded shots here too and this combines with the aesthetic to make for another good episode here. Quite what the rest of this season holds however, remains to be seen.
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