Episode 7
Episode 7 of Bandidos Season 2 begins with a flashforward to Lili getting arrested. Carmen charges her with theft, assault and murder. Three of the bandits have been killed and two have fled.
Back to the present, Regina lays a trap as she knows the bandits will try to steal the diamond, The Tear of Fire when she displays it in her casino. The bandits find out but set up a plan to steal it anyway. Miguel backs out as he believes he is not needed anymore. However, Imaginary Wilson tells him that no one is left behind.
On the day of the heist, everyone leaves. An injured Mano shows up and tells Xime he needs to warn Lili.
How is the heist supposed to go?
Regina watches from the CCTV as Citlali and Lucas arrive and hack the slot machines. As the guests win and cause chaos, Regina ushers everyone out of the diamond room and locks it. There is another vault and Ines struggles to drill it open. Miguel shows up and everyone is glad.
He helps her and Lucas joins them in the secluded corridor to work his tech magic. He disables the lasers in the diamond room which allows Lili to sneak in. They lose the connection right when Regina catches Lili. But Lili is a distraction as the bandits know that the diamond in the room is a fake and the real diamond is in the vault. However, it is a trap within a trap.
Regina reveals that the diamond is in her office and the vault has a bomb. Leo overhears and breaks into the diamond room on a bike. He and Lili barely make it out when the bomb explodes. The cops arrest Lili while Leo and Citlali escape. Lucas, Ines and Miguel’s bodies are taken to the morgue.
What happened to Inigo Valdes?
It cuts to Carmen interrogating Lili. After the officer leaves, Regina asks Canche to look the other way while she talks to Lili. She is still not happy as she believes Lili has the Valdes inheritance which is rightfully hers.
Lili reveals that Inigo is her real father. He knew Regina wasn’t a good person, so he hid the inheritance from her. Regina is the vindictive type as Lili once found a slashed toy with her name on it. She rightly guesses that Regina is behind Inigo’s murder as well as she never forgave him for neglecting her.
Regina gloats as she confesses she poisoned his medications little by little. She was able to frame Lili as she was the one who administered the final poison without knowing about it.
How do the bandits trick Regina?
As Regina gets up to leave, she is arrested. Turns out, Canche never switched off the mic in the interrogation room. A flashback shows Xime arriving at the vault just in time and stopping Ines. Once they are outside, they detonate the bomb to fake their deaths. They bring Ariel into the plan and he pays Canche to help them. Canche plays along to trick Regina while Lucas, Ines and Miguel escape in the body bags.
What happens to the bandits?
The bandits rent the diamond to Ariel for a million. They also get their money back and a little more from Regina’s safe. Pachita plans to use her share to send Regina a “message” for killing Pepa.
Leo wants to stay with Lili but cannot and they part amicably. Citlali needs to resolve her family issue and break up with German. After that, she agrees to go with Lucas to China. Alex wears Octavio’s dog tags while Carmen hopes to see Ines around to which she agrees. Miguel plans to take his dad on a trip and Wilson sadly shares he cannot be with him anymore and disappears.
At the end of Bandidos Season 2 Episode 7, Miguel and Lili have a bittersweet parting and confess they love each other. They hope to meet again one day. Juan has a moment of lucidity and tells Miguel to take him to Turkey. Lili toys with her mother’s gold brooch and spots something. She looks through a magnifying glass and smiles. Has she found a clue to the Valdes inheritance!?
The Episode Review
Bandidos Season 2 Episode 7 has a pretty complicated narrative but since it is crisp and action-packed, it is easy to follow and fun to unravel. It also reminds us of Ester Exposito’s other super-popular Netflix show, Elite with the way it starts off with a “murder” and the targets try to weave a false narrative to save themselves.
We did miss Octavio with his stoic commentary and improvisations. But the rest of the bandits are able to keep our attention as they try to play Regina at her own game. Sure, there were a lot of convenient plot twists like Mano surviving and learning of Regina’s trap; Xime finding the vault and warning them in time and Regina blindly trusting Ines’ former co-workers to look the other way.
Who gloats about their crime in an interrogation room without making sure the mics and the cameras are off? But we digress, the show is still quite entertaining as it isn’t meant to be deep and psychological. When we look at the big picture, Bandidos works as a light-hearted adventure as a group of misfits go about finding lost treasure.
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