Bad Monkey – Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

The Magic Finger

Episode 5 of Bad Monkey picks up with Nick dragging Yancy out to the end of the dock. With the big man knocked out, Nick drops Yancy in the water before setting the scene to make it look like a suicide. When he tells Eve, she’s elated and decides to take care of him for the day. Although that lasts a grand total of 3 seconds. Eve immediately puts this whipped guy to work on a number of chores.

Nick quickly realizes he’s lost his phone… which happens to be back near Yancy. Now, Yancy is still alive, obviously, and he happens to be in the house for sale next door. He makes a big scene when Evan is showing another couple around, and outside, threatens to hurt Evan if he continues to kill the wildlife in the area. Funnily enough, Yancy ends up finding Nick’s phone on the ground, along with 4 missed calls from Eve.

Yancy heads back to see Rosa to get patched up, where he brings up the news that Nick is still alive. They just need to get inside his phone to see all the juicy goss. Yancy hides though when Mendez shows, pointing out that he’s public enemy number 1 for the death of Izzy. Rosa is, understandably, jittery, but Yancy shrugs it off and believes he’ll get through it in one piece. Rosa bags Yancy up to bust out of there without being seen, and after an uncomfortable situation in the elevator, the pair drive away.

News breaks that Yancy is still alive though and Nick is immediately rattled as a result. He keeps it from Eve though. As for Bonnie, with no money left, she heads over to Yancy’s place, unaware that he’s actually with Rosa and not home. She breaks in and decides to stay safe… unaware that the black SUV is watching her every move.

Over in Barbados, Egg is livid and tries to find Neville around the island. There’s some drama involving Egg and the Dragon Queen as they talk about business, and the latter starts to warm toward him, agreeing with some of his points.

In fact, he happens to be over at his sister’s pad. The USB he took happens to have all the evidence about the forged accounts and the business. He rings Tanny and manages to sweet-talk his way into a meeting with his boss, intent on handing over the details.

Dawnie drives Neville up to Tanny’s… but there’s a problem. As he hands over the USB, Egg happens to be there and he takes the evidence for himself. Speaking of evidence, Sonny learns that Ro has been talking to Yancy and demands he speak up, otherwise he’s going to be demoted and kicked out the force.

Meanwhile, Eve and Nick head over to Caitlin’s place, where the former threatens the girl. Nick overhears everything but because of the dirt she has on him, Caitlin is shocked when her father takes Eve’s side over hers. Disgusted, she eventually kicks them both out the house.

Yancy leaves Rosa’s after meeting her parents and heads to Nick’s grave to dig up his arm. However, both Rosa and the Miami police show up at that moment – the former on Yancy’s side, the latter very much not. After taking the finger and getting into the phone, they realize that Nick and the gang are heading to an airfield.

Unfortunately, they don’t get there in time to stop Nick and Eve, so Yancy rings Eve’s phone and reveals that he’s very much alive and will see her soon.

Episode Review

So Bad Monkey returns this week with another decent chunk of crime drama action. Yancy and Rosa have great chemistry, although quite how this is going to play out with Bonnie wrapped up in all of this too remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, we have Nick slowly succumbing to Eve’s diabolical plan and given how whipped he is now, it seems Eve can do no wrong and there’s no way of her ending this crusade any time soon. It’s almost certainly going to end badly for her, but similarly it could end up bad for Nick too.

All of this appears to be colliding into a showdown in Barbados, with both areas joining together in their fight to stop Christopher/Nick from living happily ever after. Either way though, everything is left wide open for next week’s follow-up.

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