Bad Monkey – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

The Curse

Episode 2 of Bad Monkey starts with Yancy receiving good news from his lawyer. Cliff is looking to drop the case for some reason and prevent it going to court. That’s great news of course, as it means Yancy could well be getting his job back soon. In the midst of this, Caitlin rings and points out that Eve has moved on already and has a new boyfriend. And that happens to be Christopher, the developer who has just shown in the Bahamas.

Yancy and Ro show up at the PD and the former gets his job back, on a provisional basis. There’s one condition though – he needs to stop working on the case. While Yancy’s luck turns and he fronts as a health inspector, going all Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares on us, Neville’s luck takes a turn for the worst. Egg, Christopher’s security guy, makes sure that Neville doesn’t sabotage their gear again.

Neville returns to see the Dragon Queen, questioning her methods. He wants this done now but the Queen tells him to have some patience and to use his brain. The local bar has changed a fair amount too, with the old barman Charles forced out. Neville watches as he has an argument with Egg over pay, and eventually Charles steals the cash from the register and takes off.

Yancy finds himself being watched, specifically from someone shady inside a black car. In fact, he’s almost hit too before diving through a shop window. As for morally questionable individuals, Rosa decides to take a cute top from a dead woman she autopsies and then heads to the local bar with her friend.

However, Rosa can’t stop seeing the watches on all the men there and she finds one in particular that happens to be a limited edition. It’s also worth around 220k and the tan-line matches that as seen on Nick’s wrist. She feeds this back to Yancy who decides not to get involved.

Yancy is late to meet Caitlin, where he learns that Eve was manipulating Nick. It turns out she convinced him that Caitlin had a drug problem and caused a rift between daddy/daughter. Caitlin tries to convince Yancy to head over to Miami and break into Eve’s house while she’s in the Bahamas. Yancy refuses, so Caitlin messages Eve and tells her she’s going to speak to the insurance guys.

Unfortunately, this coincides with Rosa showing up at Eve’s place to look about. It turns out Yancy is already in there looking for evidence though. When two gardeners show up, Rosa and Yancy hide in the shower where they find bone shards in the plug.

After leaving the house, the pair contemplate their next move. Back home, Johnna Russel, from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, shows up asking about Bonnie, whose real name is Clover Chase. She’s Wanted in the state for sexual assault. Yancy feigns ignorance though and doesn’t reveal where she is.

Egg shows up to see Charles, in the middle of this, who knows that he stole the money. Unfortunately, things don’t turn out well for him. Meanwhile, Eve shows to see Caitlin and it turns out Caitlin is the beneficiary for the insurance money. She was never told though, and it appears this might be why Eve is trying to win her over.

As the episode closes out, Yancy shows up at the Bahamas, where he meets Neville while Rosa joins him. Backdropping this happens to be the Dragon Queen, who heads to the beach and carries out some sort of ritual.

Episode Review

So Bad Monkey is starting to get really interesting now, as the case brings Neville and Yancy closer to figuring out what’s going on. It would appear that the Florida Keys PD may actually be involved in what’s happening here, otherwise why else would Sonny drop the charges and tell Yancy to stop investigating?

The characters are pretty endearing and the tone of this crime drama is bang on the money too. There are enough amusing moments to prevent this slipping into dark territory, while the light bites of humour provide enough levity to make for a compelling watch.

Overall, Bad Monkey looks like it may be a winner, and the ending certainly leaves everything open for next week’s follow-up.

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