Alkaline Trio – Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs | Single Review


Punk icons Alkaline Trio are back with their brand new single, Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs. The Chicago institution explores death and broken love here, saluting their style, while experimenting with sound and ingenuity.

From the start, the song shows those commanding riffs the band is renowned for, and the bass line from band member Dan Andriano is stellar.  

It’s a new era for Alkaline Trio, and the song confirms the band isn’t ready to let their guard down. The lyrics portray a lover destined to hit the ropes and lead singer Matt Skiba conveys through his writings a craving to get high. It is Alkaline Trio personified. Their sound hasn’t taken a deep dive into inferiority but has been heightened by great sonic arrangements.  

Blood, Hair, And Eyeballs boast well-rounded instrumentals and words that may shock some as the band convey dramatic tales through their music. The track is bound in profanity as Skiba addresses the world and a despondent lover.  

 You can check out more of our music reviews here

  • Verdict - 8/10

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