A Bloody Lucky Day – K-drama Episode 9 Recap & Review

An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth

Episode 9 of A Bloody Lucky Day starts with Oh Taek trying to get information about Chae-ri’s whereabouts from Byeong-min while Seung-hyun tells Joong-min why he thinks his father will kill someone. When Seung-hyun arrived home from work, he found that his father had left him all the money in the bank, and he found a list of some supplies on the desktop. Oh Taek continues to suction more blood from Byeong-min, but he does not say anything. Oh Taek agrees to delete the recording, but even so, Byeong-min does not tell him about Chae-ri’s whereabouts but brags about how he got Chae-ri.

Byeong-min asks for Se-na in exchange for Chae-ri. She betrayed him, and Byeong-min killed her. Oh Taek becomes furious, and while choking Byeong-min, asking him for Chae-ri’s whereabouts, he remembers how Byeong-min had lied to him about Seung-min. He believes that Byeong-min has already killed Chae-ri. He drags him to the underground waterhole outside and throws a tied-up Byeong-min into the water without hesitation. Coincidentally, the police arrive, and Joong-min helps pull Byeong-min out of the water. Oh Taek is hysterical as he yells for Joong-min not to help Byeong-min since he killed her daughter. Joong-min is unable to pull Byeong-min alone and asks his partner to help. Oh Taek is handcuffed to a water tap but manages to escape. 

While collecting evidence in the warehouse, Joong-min compares the photo of Byeong-min on Oh Taek’s case board to the one he has of the doctor who killed Yi-deun. Byeong-min is taken to the hospital, and he starts playing the victim. When he wakes up, he remembers Oh Taek’s promise to hurt him the same way he did and suddenly calls his wife. He tells her always to ensure she is with a guard. 

Oh Taek calls Se-na and asks her to leave the country since Byeong-min is after her. Oh Taek tells her that he will not stop and will carry the revenge plan until the end and make sure he hurts Byeong-min as much as he hurt him. The detective questions Byeong-min and, at the end, asks about Song-min. After she leaves, he calls someone and asks him to find out about Song Min-sun. Oh Taek meets with Mr Baek, and he gives him more supplies to continue the mission.

Elsewhere, Joong-min visits Se-na to ask about Byeong-min while Seung-hyun realises that Chae-ri might be missing. He asks her friends and calls the resort where they are going on a trip, but he does not find her. Meanwhile, Joong-min learns from Se-na that Byeong-min might be a dangerous person since she suspects that he killed her boyfriend in high school. She ran to the States and changed her name to hide from Byeong-min. Then, Seung-hyun calls Joong-min to tell him that he thinks Chae-ri is missing. He says that he is afraid since the situation is similar to when Seung-min was killed since they could not get her on the phone either. Seung-hyun suspects that his father might have found the culprit, so Chae-ri is missing. 

While Oh Taek steals a taxi to get around the city, Joong-min goes to the hospital to talk to Byeong-min. Joong-min confronts Byeong-min about being the suspect they have been looking for, and Byeong-min confirms his suspicion when he touches his ear like the person in the CCTV cameras. Before he can get any information about Byeong-min, his judge’s mother arrives and chases Jong-min out. After he leaves, she asks to speak to Byeong-min alone and tells him to get rid of any evidence of the crimes he might have committed. His wife overhears the conversation. 

Joong-min asks his partners to look into Byeong-min, but the team leader is against it. Joong-min insists on proceeding with the investigation and says he will take any responsibility if their suspicion is wrong. Meanwhile, Seung-hyun tells Joo-hwan about Chae-ri’s disappearance. 

Oh, Taek follows Byeong-min’s wife. Byeong-min had told the guard to take her to her father’s house, but on the way, she insisted on heading home after thinking about what she had heard Byeong-min and his mother talk about. Byeong-min escapes from the hospital using the car his mother brought him heading home but changes direction when he gets a confirmation about Yoon Se-na. He calls Yoon Se-na, who is on the way to the airport and makes her turn around. Meanwhile, his wife figures out the password to the safe is Hyuk-soo’s birthdate, and inside, she finds pictures of the people Byeong-min killed. 

As Joong-min figures out that Oh Taek is after the wife, Se-na returns to her house, and Byeong-min waits. However, Se-na came prepared, and she tasered Byeong-min, who fell to the floor unconscious. Se-na takes a knife and wants to stab him, but he is just pretending to be unconscious. He injects Se-na with the anaesthesia he stole from the hospital. At the end of the episode, Oh Taek breaks the door to the study where Byeong-min’s wife had locked herself when he broke into the house and attacked her bodyguard. Fear was written all over her face, and Oh Taek approached.

The Episode Review

Oh Taek has changed so much as he is devoid of emotion and perfectly plays the role of the heartbroken shell of a man walking around with only revenge on his mind. The range of his facial expression is captivating as he can easily change from heartless to full of rage, fear, and sadness in one scene, and he expresses them so well that the audience goes through the emotions with him. He is a complex man with the talent to draw you in and let you experience what he is going through.

I liked how he did not become naïve this time and did not trust Byeong-min’s words. He ensured he did not give Byeong-min the upper, even with Chae-ri’s life at risk. He did not forget that Byeong-min is a psychopath who cannot be trusted. However, did he make the right decision? Is Chae-ri dead, or will Oh Taek’s decision not to trust Byeong-min lead to her death? Will Oh Taek kill Byeong-min’s wife and their unborn child?

Although Oh Taek may show no emotions, I do not think he can be ruthless enough to kill a pregnant woman no matter the range brewing inside him, but let us wait to find out in the final episode. 

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