9-1-1 – Season 7 Episode 2 “Rock The Boat” Recap & Review

Rock The Boat

Episode 2 of 9-1-1 season 7 picks up where we left off. The cruise ship is taken hostage by a gang that is after Norman, whom they believe is an international smuggler. The gang hopes Norman will give up access to his Bitcoin account. They bring Lola and his wife along to motivate him and promise they will leave after they get what they want. Unfortunately, neither Lola nor Norman has a clue about “Tongo.”

The gang leader promises to shoot Norman on the count of three if he refuses to give Tongo up. Norman goes down like a kite on a less windy day when he is shot in his abdomen. Athena and Bobby step up to prevent things from escalating further. Athena publicly calls out Julian, the waiter and asks him to come clean about his shady business and affair with Lola. Norman is shattered after hearing this, but there is no time to console him. The gang leader turns his attention to Julian, who finally gives up the Tongo.

After the gang gets the USB, they leave the ship, but things are dire. Not only do they have a passenger shot, but the cruise ship doctor is somewhat incompetent, and the communication system is down. This means the Captain has no way to call for help. She asks her officers to try to salvage the communication system while Bobby tries to stabilize Norman’s condition. At the same time, Athena orders one of the security guards to watch Lola and Julian.

Everyone does their best to hang in there except one passenger who is obsessed with being cashed out of the casino. During these Chao, Julian manages to rush back to his room and formulate an escape plan. Athena goes after him and tries to stop him. As this goes on, the Captain and one of her officers manage to get back some communication on the ship. However, the minute they reboot the system, they unknowingly activate a bomb, which goes off. The cruise ship takes a hit and starts to capsize.

Luckily, Athena and Julian are not hurt, but that can’t be said about the officer with the Captain. Sadly, he passes away, and the Captain sustains broken ribs and an arm. Athena orders Julian to help her save the Captain, who gives orders to abandon the ship. She asks Julian to get the Captain to safety while she activates the secondary bilge pump to keep them afloat until all the lifeboats are launched. At the same time, Bobby starts looking for his wife and follows her into the panel room.

Unfortunately, the ship continues to take in water and Athena and Bobby nearly drown in the lower deck. Bobby expresses his fear that he never deserved a second chance. He feels guilty for failing to protect his first family and Athena. Athena assures him that she loves him and will choose him every time. They are on the brink of drowning when Julian opens the door and saves them. We also learn that Bobby had talked to his therapist about the cruise trip. He was anxious about their marriage. He felt he proposed too quickly while Athena was vulnerable. He was scared Athena would leave him.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, the 118 team, led by interim Captain Hen, responds to an accident call. A mom was giving her daughter a driving lesson when a drunk driver hit them from nowhere. While the mom and daughter seem to be in critical condition, the drunk driver looks unscathed. He refuses care even though Chimney tries to help him. The drunk driver threatens to sue Chimeney or any other first responder who tries to give him first aid. He also refuses to take a sobriety test, and Hen asks Chimey to let the drunk driver be and focus on the mother and daughter. She feels angry that the drunk driver caused the accident and is being more difficult.

After safely extracting the mom and daughter, they take them to the hospital. Sadly, the drunk driver drops to the ground, and Hen and Chimney do their best to resuscitate him. The man is pronounced dead at the hospital, and 118 arrives at their station to find the L.A.F.D professional services division ready to interview them. Internal affairs are taking statements, and the Cief asks to speak privately to Hen. He says they are looking into the death of the drunk driver because of pushback from his mom, Counsellor woman Ortiz. Ortiz is pushing her weight and denying her son was intoxicated and the cause of the accident. The Chief asks Hen to take leave until the tox reports are out.

Later, Hen and her team get into it as they try to help her feel better. Chimney gets on Hen’s wrong side when he says he didn’t smell the alcohol on the driver. Hen feels the team is judging her and believes she made a bad call. However, she followed protocol. She angrily leaves and tells Karen all about it when she gets home. Hen also wants to vent to Athena, but the latter is unreachable. Karen explains there is a hurricane at sea, and Hen finds it suspicious that Athena has been unreachable the whole day. Karen thinks Hen is overreacting, but Hen leaves to visit the 9-1-1 station and asks Maddie to call the Coast Guard and look for Athena and Bobby’s ship.

Maddie is happy to look into it and ease Hen’s worries. As Hen waits, she runs into the Chief, who informs her that the tox reports are back. The man was super drunk. As Hen handled the situation according to protocol, she is immediately reinstated. However, she tries to explain to the Chief that she will need time off to find Athena and Bobby’s ship. The Chief doesn’t take her concerns seriously and orders her to report the following morning for her shift.

Meanwhile, Maddie finds out that minutes before Athena and Bobby’s ship went, M.I. A. There were thousands of calls to the coast guards, which suddenly dropped. No one knows what happened; until then, no one thought to look into it.

Back at the boat, most passengers have left on the lifeboats, but Norman refuses to leave without Athena and Bobby. The Captain and a few other officials, along with the man obsessed with getting cashed out of the casino, are also on board. One official is at the bridge trying to send a distress call. Unfortunately, he spots an incoming wave and warns the rest. Everyone tries to brace for impact, but it is strong. At the end of the episode, the ship is seen tilting. Athena and Bobby hang in there while the man, obsessed with money, falls from a high point onto the glass ceiling. We are not sure if he is alive after that fall.

The Episode Review

9-1-1 episodes have a way of scarring viewers. It starts so randomly, and then boom, disaster upon disaster. What was supposed to be a quiet honeymoon cruise has turned into a life-or-death situation thanks to one greedy man.

This is the second instalment of the cruise ship disaster, and they doubled down so hard. Bobby and Athena got a chance to express their fears, but will they have time to continue their love story? These two have been through the most, and they deserve some peace, even though they are scared of it. The scene where Bobby feels guilty for being happy is heartbreaking. He lost his family once, but that doesn’t mean he has to suffer for the rest of his life. His relationship with Athena is a beautiful testament to love and second chances. That is what matters; they were there for each other. With the stakes amped up so high, will everyone make it out of this disaster alive?

On the other hand, we have our girl Hen. She didn’t deserve to be put on leave and raised some fair points about why the Chief did this. However, the team did not judge her and only tried to be there for her. She overreacted on that end. As for the missing cruise ship, she is on point and needs to get to Athena and Bobby before the ship capsizes.

The third and last instalment of The Cruise Ship Disaster will air next week. Will 118 arrive in time?

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