9-1-1: Lone Star – Season 5 Episode 6 “Naked Truth” Recap & Review

Naked Truth

9-1-1: Lone Star season 5 episode 6 starts with Marlene teaching Owen how to get Thunder’s trust. Owen tries over and over again, but Thunder refuses to let him in. By the end of it, Owen has a nosebleed and nearly breaks his toes. Marlene and Judd ask Owen to take a break. Marlene theorises that Thunder can sense that Owen is tense since he is probably hiding something dark. Owen thinks back to his brother’s death, but says nothing.

Meanwhile, Wyatt helps a man handcuffed in a burning police van. Thankfully, the prisoner doesn’t run away and saves the unconscious police officer from burning in his car.

At the fire station, Nancy accidentally sends a picture of her breasts. She thought she sent a picture of the scrumptious chicken breast Matteo made for dinner. In the end, they sneak around, trying to delete the picture on everyone’s phone before they notice. However, Tommy sees it and asks to talk to Nancy privately. Nancy worries that HR will reprimand her, but Tommy is more concerned because she noticed a lump on Nancy’s breast. She gives Nancy the rest of the night off after encouraging her to schedule a doctor’s appointment. 

 Nancy later tells Matteo that she is scared since her great-grandmother, grandmother and mom all died from breast cancer. Matteo questions why she never told him this or why she never takes preventative measures. Nancy feels like Matteo is blaming her and he apologises. She heads out, and he promises to text her.

Unfortunately, after the end of the shift, Nancy keeps ignoring Matteo’s texts. Without going into details, Matteo talks to Marjan. She advises him to be patient because Nancy might need someone else. Matteo asks Tommy to accompany Nancy to her appointment.

Tommy agrees and surprises Nancy at the hospital. She lies that she is there to get a mammogram, too. However, Nancy knows that Matteo sent Tommy. She opens up to Tommy and says she is worried about her tests. Her mom only died two months after her diagnosis. Nancy still vividly remembers what her mom went through and she doesn’t want Matteo to see her like that. She doesn’t want to go through what her mom went through. Tommy points out that Matteo can handle it but Nancy says she is not sure she can.

At the same time, TK worries about Owen after his sleepwalking incident during their night shift. Owen kept saying, “I am sorry, I promised.” He also almost hurt Matteo.TK worries that his dad is going through something and this only happens when something terribly bad happens. Owen lies that he is worried about Thunder, but Owen doesn’t buy it. 

The next day, the medic team is called in to save a man crushed under a vending machine. He spent the whole day with his hand stuck in the vending machine. He later manages to pull it free, but the whole vending machine comes toppling over him. Unfortunately, since the guy took too long to ask for help, there is nothing much the team could do to save him. Nancy realises that she can’t live life terrified to ask for help. She later apologises to Matteo, and he promises to be there for her as the doctors call to give her the test results.

Elsewhere, Owen finally tells Thunder the secret that has been eating him up. Owen blames himself for Robert’s death. Once Owen opens up, he starts having hallucinations and passes out. Marlene finds him and gives him first aid. Once he gains consciousness, he realises he passed out because of a gas leak at the barn.

By the time they rush outside, the barn has started burning down. Owen asks Marlene to close the gas line while he rushes in to save the horses and the workers in the barn. Fortunately, he manages to save everyone before it is too late. Even Thunder finally trusts him enough to leave the barn together. A few days later, Owen returns to help Marlene raise a new barn. Owen, along with other friends and co-workers, works hard to build the barn.

The episode ends with Nancy visiting Tommy to share the good news that she doesn’t have cancer, just a cyst. However, Tommy shares that the doctors called her back after her mammogram tests. Sadly, the doctors found something and Tommy says it is really bad.

The Episode Review

Isn’t Matteo the sweetest boyfriend ever? Thankfully, Nancy is okay and he won’t have to shave his head. However, the Tommy news took us all by surprise. We didn’t see this coming. Tommy has been through it this season. It keeps going from bad to worse. It is even more heartbreaking that Gracie won’t be there for her. This is the kind of news that Tommy would have told Grace. This being the last season, will we be ending the show with Tommy dying?

The only highlight in this episode is Owen’s breakthrough. Talking to Thunder about the guilt he feels seems to have helped them both. Hopefully, Owen will stop carrying the guilt and learn to forgive himself. Robert put him in an impossible position, but he would have never wanted Owen to suffer like this.

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