61st Street – Season 2 Episode 3 “Do No Harm” Recap & Review

Do No Harm

Episode 3 of 61st Street picks up where we left off with Logan getting shot. Luckily, his bulletproof vest saves the day. Brannigan makes a big deal about how Logan could have died if the bullet was one inch to his left. He is subtly threatening Logan’s life.

Meanwhile, through a flashback, we learn that Franklin has only six months left. He asks his doctor to get him meds that will allow him to have three good months. The doctor points out there is an experimental medication but it is still in testing and is illegal to prescribe. Franklin begs him to reconsider, as he needs to have three months to focus on what he needs to do. Franklin needs to be at his best and he can’t do that if he is in pain. 

At the same time, Martha has a meeting with the Mayor and she brings up a photo of Dante and Martha. The mayor insinuates that Martha is in cahoots with Dante and threatens to release the photo to the media. She cautions Martha to stay in her lane since she understands how politics and power work. Marth goes back and meets with Dante. She asks him to consider upping his game and promises to help him if she can get political cover. He agrees to give 5% of the profit back to the community and allow Martha to build learning centres around the city.

After nearly dying, Logan makes an impromptu visit to Franklin’s house. The lawyer asks him to calm down and get more evidence. Franklin gives him a burner phone and insists they take advantage of Brannigan’s fear. Nicole spots Logan leaving and confronts Franklin, forcing him to come clean about what is happening. She is pissed after hearing the truth and warns Franklin that no one, not even she, will stand by his side if he represents Logan.

At school, Joshua gets into trouble after a jealous boy puts drugs in his locker. However, Joshua refuses to snitch and gets expelled. Phil and Norma worry that Joshua is throwing his life away and try to talk to him. Later, Joshua attacks the boy and gets even. 

A few days later, Mason tracks Marisol on her way to work and asks her about the liquor license. He gets offended when she says Martha refused to sign on it. He mentions how he helped her get a new apartment, and Marisol finally understands what is happening. She warns him to stay away, but he doesn’t. He pulls tricks by setting a smoke grenade on her apartment building and locking her inside. To scare her into signing the liquor license for him without Martha’s knowledge.

A few days later, Logan is invited to a party. At the party, he spots the Mayor and other corrupt players from the city. Brannigan talks to Logan and asks him about his recent activities. He is offended that he vouched for Logan and he is trying to betray them. Logan explains that he needed to know what he did, and Branigan tells him what happened.

He calls Logan out for being brutal. Branigan informs him that the gun he used to kill Wyatt is currently on its way to the State’s attorney’s desk. There was an anonymous tip and Logan is about to be painted as the killer cop and take the brunt of the people’s anger. Branigan advises Logan to consider ending his life as he is about to face the wrath of the people.

Away from the party, Franklin meets with his doctors at the park by the sea and gets the drugs to help him. Dr Algren is not sure he is doing the right thing and asks why Franklin needs the three good months. Franklin tells him about his plan to help Logan to uncover and uproot the bad tree. Dr Algren gives him the medication but warns him that missing even one dose will be fatal.

At home, Martha gets a call from the Mayor, informing her about Logan’s upcoming arrest. David sees Logan’s picture and tells Martha that he is the IT guy. Martha puts the pieces together and confronts her husband. Franklin tries to explain, but she kicks him out of the house. She is offended that Franklin looked Naimah in her eyes and lied to her. Franklin rents a place around town and focuses on his treatment and the case. He gets a call from Logan and drives out to meet him. Logan is in a bad place and considering suicide. However, Franklin argues that dying will give Brannigan victory and urges Logan to fight.

After talking Logan off the ledge, Franklin tracks Branigan down. He informs the corrupt cop that he will be defending Logan and that he is coming for him.  Franklin organises for Logan to safely turn himself in using the help of Pastor Richards. The crowd angrily curses at Logan and Franklin as the media does a live report. Phil and Norma watch the news together and he implores her to ask Franklin what is going on. 

The Episode Review

Phil is one annoying character. He lives in Norma’s house, pretending to be in love with her all the while he is reporting to Branigan. He is sickening to the core. He didn’t need to go this far and I hope Norma learns the truth soon and kicks him to the curb. He is also using her to cheat on his wife. I hope the wife leaves him too. 

It is understandable why Nicole and Martha are angry with Franklin. His decision must feel like a betrayal to them, and Franklin is not explaining his motives well. It is a tough decision, but ultimately, the only way to bring down the corrupt CPD. Sadly, Franklin is paying quite a high price to find justice. Instead of spending his last three months with family, he has to prepare for a case and go after the corrupt system on his own.

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Expect a full-season review of 61st Street when the show ends!

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